#saturdaysaversclub | Year 4 Week 13 | All Change! SUB! Did I win the SPI raffle?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Viking Bay 30 march 2024.jpg

    Viking Bay, Broadstairs, Saturday 30 March 2024, about 12:50pm. Still a bit overcast, but within the hour the sun was out and it was brilliantly hot. The tower on the left is the lift down to the beach.

    Weekly savings round-up

    Odds and Ends Fund
    It comes round every month, between £15-£20 of odds and ends, some cashback and a tiny pension income from three months work thirty years ago. What better way to use it than buy a few HIVE?

    I like it as discretionary money that would otherwise disappear in a weekly shop and nothing to show for it once the biscuits were eaten. In HIVE, I can throw it into HP or savings or a little dabble in something like the SPI Raffle.

    Did I win anything? SPI Raffle Results!

    SUB - A new business model?

    I guess the SUB token is a kind of crowd-funding: it's an investment in the @stickupboys to support their next album. In return, apart from the warm fuzzy feeling of supporting creative people, you'll get a percentage of the mechanical rights (I know!) and lots of other goodies.

    The creative industries, which includes publishing and broadcasting, add £108bn each year to the UK economy. At the same time, the incomes of writers and artists continue to fall. For instance, a recent report found that professional authors are earning a median income of just £7,000 per year, with women, black and mixed race authors receiving disproportionally less.


    So I'm pleased to see an innovative idea for supporting musicians on Hive. As luck would have it, I was able to trade in the last of my LBI tokens, and re-invest the proceeds in SUB. I'm slipping down the rich list, but that can only be a good thing!

    Ooooh, @stickupboys have just released some gifts for SUB owners. The one I like best is Access to exclusive backstage performances and rehearsals. I'd better get my donkey jacket with ARENA SECURITY on the back out of store.

    The End of the First Quarter: All Change!
    Last week, at week 12, I was right on target for progress in my savings goals. The day after, I was thinking it's time for a new first: use my Capital Gains Tax Allowance before it's consigned to oblivion.

    I've been stacking HBD (and putting some into EDS-D) for the past year to test it as a viable savings option. It's worked, let's pull some out! I'll be taking a little HIVE as well, although I'll still be at 100,000+ HP, even after the withdrawal. And I don't know, call me romantic, I'm still confident I can meet my savings goals in the remaining nine months. Let's see!

    I'll be starting my HBD savings again this month, using income from a specific source for a specific purpose. I'm looking forward to stashing HBDs away, I always enjoy a concrete plan, it sort of removes all the angst: just do this thing each month and you will see a big difference. I guess that's the benefit of making decisions: you don't have to think about it any more, just check now and then that everything is working. You can always change things if they are not.


    Savings Goals

    Let's see how we're doing:

    AssetGoalStartLast WeekTodayProgress
    Hive Power115,000100,400103,761103,90090%

    2024 Savings Goals


    • EDSD - Swapped these back to HBD - a three day process and then your HBD is liquid to do as you please. I'll be starting again from next week with a recurring transfer for 5 HBD. (More about side-hustles).

    EDS Income Token | Fixed and Variable Savings Plans
    EDS Dollar (EDSD) Release Post

    • Blogging - Three posts this week - yay! - and some nice engagement, too. it's very nice how different topics attract interaction from different people. I've also been threading like a good 'un and tried the silverlions contest, although I struggled with loading a picture. Soon ... Anyway, I won a consolation prize for my efforts, so that was nice.

    • Saturday Savers Club - 2024 Launch and FAQs. Forty-nine Savers by the end of March. Very happy with that Anyone can join at any time by commenting with their goals on the weekly post on the @eddie-earner account (also follow @eddie-earner for news about EDS). Our first subscription savings plan is on point too, Our first payout is next week!

    • HSBI - HIVE basic income - I'm growing these through sponsoring HPUD and other challenge posts over on Saturday Savers Club.


    What's New

    This was a big week in my London job this week: our funding proposal for £235,000 and possibly a second year was agreed. The Grants Committee is comprised of representatives from all 32 London boroughs and the City of London. They had plenty to say about preventing violence against women and especially about working with boys and young men. They're engaged, which is fantastic, and want to be more closely involved, which means potentially a better dialogue. Be great if they became champions for the service.

    The other big news is the Economic Justice Conference which takes place in June in Manchester and where I'll be running a session about the Saturday Savers Club. I'm also looking forward to a few days in Manchester: it is years since I visited any of the Museums and Art Galleries there. I might even make a trip to FC United of Manchester, the breakaway supporters' club, owned by the supporters and where I have a small investment. It will probably never be realised, but that's the romantic in me coming out again.

    I also learned that one of the big summer exhibitions in London is Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider. I'm really looking forward to that. I've got to get myself to Sargent and Fashion, too.

    Have a good week, everyone!


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    Page dividers courtesy of @barge | Saturday Savers banner by @raj808

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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