Generational Shift In Our School System: Remedy For The Dilapidating Norms HL-W106E2

in voilk •  4 months ago

    I feel for the students of this generation. School has changed and the fun of being a student eroded. One may say so because of the many reasons why you don't want to miss school in our time, I mean in the 1990s. One of the things that made school fun during those days was the different kinds of competition that we engaged in. In this post, I will make an appraisal of some of the notable competitions that we used to enjoy that are no longer in the schools of today.

    Principal's Cup

    Football played a major role in the school of the 1990s. In my school, we have a football team made up of smart boys and girls who are ready to defend the name of the school to any level. There was also a supporters club that followed the football team to any football match. The fun we had during each football match cannot be put down in words.

    Before any major football match, all players would resume for training every morning. The school football coach would drill them to many aerobics before they would be splitted into two groups on the opposite sides of the football pitch while they played against each other.

    The footballers are exempted from our regular morning assembly. One striking thing about some of the school football teams was that some of the players were not meeting up in academics but were considered promotion on the grounds of their talents, something that is not existing in this time.
    Sports generally were an integral part of the whole school curriculum. From athletics, to ball games and indoor games, school is a place to grow relevant individuals for the nearest future.

    Yan Krukau

    Whereas, schools today have drifted from that kind of exposure for learners. The GenZ thinks differently and curriculum developers have drifted a lot making schools to lose a lot of what would have made an all round child.

    Where Is The Popular Literary and Debating Society?

    In academics, one area that still made schools around the 1990s fun and educative was the Literary and Debating Society. This is about the most popular club in school back in the day.
    This club has the debaters of the school, train them makesmake them attend public speaking competitions. During those days, it was as if the school would come with a war of words when debating competitions were staged.

    The Literary Week was another offspring of the activities of the Literary and Debating Society in the schools. During the week, schools were invited to compete in literary activities such as debate, brainteasers, quiz, spelling drills, miming, poem recitation and so on. Every school prepares and presents their best to win each of these competitions.
    Another thing worthy of note is that nearly all the schools around had this club and they also hosted the competitions. We all looked forward to a healthy competition back in the day.

    What Was Bad Back Then?

    In those days, teachers only taught using explanations by mouth. There were little or no computerised instructions as we have now. Learning was crude and primitive.
    The kind of punishment we received for herring has soon gone into extinction
    I remember very well how I had to crawl on my knees for coming late to school. Any teacher who tries that now will go to jail.

    Let's Remedy Our Today School

    There is no hiding the fact that the schools of today are living short of what schools in the 1990s were. Truth is that there has been a lot of development in instruction, curriculum and education policy.
    Nonetheless, I would like to proffer that the good old days competition among schools in sports and academics should be revived. It was through such arrangement that most talents were discovered.

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