Blood Is Thicker Than Water

in voilk •  4 months ago

    After much deliberation, I decided to go with this topic because obliviously, it best explains what this post is all about. There are so many instances where a man or a father senses that his children or one of them isn't his. This is a result of some of the characteristics or traits the child possesses and for a man to start suspecting this, he must have really been observing and eventually, he will run some tests. Some are done at the back of the mother/wife while most are done with her knowledge but all these were based on characters shown by the child.

    Today, I will be sharing some traits I discovered I got from my parents which I noticed myself while others were brought to my knowledge. Some I must say are traits that I am not too happy about because they make me feel weak and vulnerable while others are just bad traits that I have tried and still trying to work on.


    From my mother.

    As I said in my introduction, traits are characteristics that a person is distinguished with. Over the years, I have seen some physical and emotional traits that my mother has. Watching her over these years, I guess it's fair I got to pick up on one or more of these traits.
    The physical ones; Among all my siblings, I took a majority of her physical qualities such as her skin complexion and having hairs on her body all these and more are the genetic traits I took from her although people say we look alike I still haven't seen it though.

    For the aspect of character. There are a lot because you can classify me as a mummy's boy. To some, it is a bad thing but to me, I find it nice because I got to build up my caring part. Yeah, that is one of the traits I got from my mother. I care randomly for people and when I do love, I love with the whole of my heart. Some people have taken advantage of this and some have warned me about my loving and caring nature but even though I might have it in mind to change and stop it, I just find myself doing it subconsciously. One of my guys even jokes about it that if I was a female, he would break my heart and I would still be the one to come and apologize back to him. What these people don't know is that in as much we love and care at first instant, we are also quick to forget all those emotions if taken for granted. Several times has this been tested and several times has it happened. It is not as if the care wasn't genuine but because we know it is in our nature to love automatically, we by ourselves developed that mechanism to also be able to shut people out, and getting the trust back will take time.

    Another trait I got from my mother is how to manage resources. This is one trait all my siblings have. The way we manage resources can be mind-blowing. I think some people who have come across me can testify to this @starstrings01, @obaro. Those two were at the receiving end of this trait. Most times this trait will result in not releasing money if we are not sure how the next batch will come or where it would come from but when we have enough, you will know that we do have.

    To avoid going too far into the post, I will just mention one more trait and how it has helped another is being outspoken. People might take being outspoken as a sign of being rude, especially with elders but that's not it. To be spoken is simply airing out your opinions instead of letting them eat you up. Yes, there is a very thin line between these two but if you do not cross that line, being outspoken is a sign of having confidence. This trait has single-handedly set me out from the crowd. I have been beaten blue-black because of this, I have been hated by my school admins because of this (it still got the work done) and I have also been made a leader because of this.

    From my father

    I don't have much to say. Physically, I took his height and the shape of his head among others. Aside from this, I have some other qualities like joy when it comes to cooking. As a man, it was expected that your place isn't in the kitchen but whenever my father was around, he always loved cooking. I could remember a time when they both (parents) asked us who we wanted to prepare the dinner, of course, we said daddy. That also gave me the orientation that a man should also be good in the kitchen and it made me develop my cooking skills.
    Another trait I got from him is to always be neat and the act of rendering community service. Whenever my dad had the opportunity to be free, he spent his free time cleaning the environment and the drainage. He doesn't like complaining about things that he can handle himself that is also another trait he passed down to me.

    The list still goes on but one thing I am grateful for is that I got some nice traits from my parents and they have helped shape the man I am today. Yes, there are some negative traits such as anger and lack of patience but I have learned to control and build some of these.

    Thanks for reading through. Let me know if most of these characters are nice and which you also have. I await your nice comments.


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