WOO - My WrestleMania XL Predictions and Thoughts

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi everybody, this is me with my thoughts on WrestleMania XL. Of course as always, welcome to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.

    I have been a follower of WWE for a while and there are things I think could be happening at the big event.

    One match is Rhea Ripley against Becky Lynch for the Women's World Championship. Several people believe that Becky will emerge victorious; however, my prediction is that Rhea shall retain her title.

    Already serving as a champion for over twelve months, it seems like WWE may want her to remain in power a little more.

    There’s also talk about Becky possibly taking a villainous turn or becoming a “heel” at WrestleMania. I am not too sure because she has been one of good guys or “babyface” for quite some time and I see her being popular as such. But with WWE, you never know – they always love taking us by surprise.

    Rumour has it that Vince Russo, a former writer for WWE, stated that Rhea would defeat Becky and then turn heel. It might be an interesting event to watch.

    Once again, though, we just have to play the waiting game.

    Becky and Rhea had a big fight with each other last week on RAW. So intense! Even so, it was very surprising of Becky to hit Dominik Mysterio. What will happen next? Maybe they will fight each other again or other things may happen.

    Should Rhea overcome Becky at WrestleMania XL? That’s difficult hmm. Both are pretty good at what they do; it can go either way you know.

    If I were pushed to choose, I would say yeah let Rhea keep her title. She has been striving hard enough and seeing her continue as champ would be nice.

    For the most part, I am thrilled about what is going to happen at WrestleMania XL.

    It is the place with many fights and storylines to keep track of. Whether Rhea wins, Becky goes heel or something completely out of the blue happens, I will be there watching it unfold!

    That’s all my thoughts for now. What are your views?

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