My Approach to the Earthquake Ruleset - Weekly Challenge!

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Using Earthquake ruleset to win a Diamond level battle!

    We have three rulesets in effect: Target Practice, Armored Up and Earthquake:


    RULESET: Earthquake



    All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn.

    Snared units are considered non-flying. Since the damage given is physical, it can be reduced to 1 if the unit has the shield ability.


    The Strategy

    This is an Earthquake battle with additional Armored Up and Target Practice rulesets in effect. Obviously the strategy of the Earthquake ruleset should have many flying monsters. In this case the mana limit for the battle is very high at fifty five.

    My strategy here is to use the summoner to try to outlast the other team. Lily Shieldpaw is a great choice in this set of rules, because it boosts health of all monsters by one, it hides all monsters but the first and in the taunt monster using her Camouflaged ability and it uses her triage ability to heal the backline taunt monster.

    The taunt monster and the first monsters are monster with huge health that are being healed every round. Wave Brood is being healed by Lily Shieldpaw and Baakjira uses his own heal ability to stay in the game. They are both anti-magic monsters due to their Void ability.

    The main damage dealers are Chaos Dragon and Kulu Mastermind with Gargoya Devil rounding up the big hitter squad.

    Void Dragon is another important piece of the puzzle. This fast monster should be able to avoid or survive many hits once the taunt monster and the two monsters in front of Void Dragon go down. providing the last line of defense for the two big hitters behind it.

    Overall the strategy is to out last our opponent and score many big hits with a Chaos Dragon and other big hitters while the enemy is trying to take down our two big monsters in the very front and very back of the lineup.


    The Summoner

    Lily Shieldpaw is a legendary airdrop summoner from the Chaos Legion Core set. She has important abilities of plus one health, camouflaged and triage. She is a dragon summoner so she let's us bring in important big dragon flying monsters such as Chaos Dragon and Void Dragon.

    1st Slot - Main Tank Monster

    Baakjira is another legendary monster from the Chaos Legion Core set. It comes with a base speed of two, sixteen health and important void, slow, strengthen and heal abilities.

    2nd Slot - Weapons Training Monster

    Kulu Mastermind is a legendary rarity monster that comes to us from the soulbound rewards set. Unfortunately I wasn't able to max this one out yet, my RNG luck must not be that great as I constantly see opponents at my level with maxed out version of this card. But even at level three which is a gold level for the card it comes with weapons training that gives attack to the Baakjira in front of it and comes with an opportunity and shield abilities in addition to the great speed of four, five melee damage and nine health.

    3rd Slot - Flying Phase Monster

    Void Dragon is really hard to hit and it is also anti-magic which is great as I would expect a lot of magic damage in this ruleset due to the Armored Up ruleset in effect. It comes with a base speed of five, two magic damage and nine health in addition to flying void and phase abilities.

    4th Slot - Range Attacking Monster

    Gargoya Devil has flying ability as well as four ranged damage, three speed and two shield. His weakness is that for seven mana this monster has only five health. But using Lily I am hiding it towards the back of the lineup.

    5th Slot - Magic Damage Dealer Monster

    Chaos Dragon is our main damage dealer with four magic damage and a very important Blast ability that splashes magic damage on both sides of the hit. This monster is our most important damage dealer that is why I placed it towards the very back of the lineup, so that it survives the longest.

    6th Slot - Taunt Monster

    And last but not least is our taunt monster. Wave Brood is an epic rarity monster that splits the opposing team attack towards the back. It has huge health of fourteen, one speed and two ranged damage with taunt, void, return fire and close range abilities. Combined with Lily this monster is hard to kill and I used it even though it doesn't have the flying ability.



    Our opponent went with a Dragon Life team with one martyr monster and a full team of flying monsters.

    First round was fairly un-eventful, this promises to be a long battle!

    Second round was also pretty un-eventful with all of the pieces still up on the board:

    Round three was pretty much more of the same, they did use up their single resurrect on their triage monster which is better than on martyr.

    By round six each team has four monsters remaining on the field and the outcome of the battle is still up in the air:

    Finally in round twelve we scored a win, the outcome of the battle was not certain until the very last round. Our Diamond level reward is a nice 9.695 SPS!

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