March 24th... A Special Night ✨.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Vamos en el día #10 de mi post Operatorio... Y me gustaría honestamente que el tiempo tuviera la modalidad de los vídeos de tiktok y avanzarlo X2 al siguiente nivel 😁.

    Sin embargo eso no es posible... Así que vivimos el día a día de recuperación como se debe.

    Pero Ayer era un día sumamente especial, se conmemoraba un evento importante y quería hacer el sacrificio de estar presente. Nuestro Creador Dios, se porta tan bien con nosotros... Nos Ama, nos cuida, nos guía como un Padre amoroso. Así que asistir a este evento era sumamente importante para mí, pues quería alegrar su corazón ❤️.

    La reunión duraría alrededor de 45 minutos, iría en carro hasta el lugar, estaría sentada en un espacio cómodo y no caminaría tanto. Así que por esa parte me sentí confiada y tranquila de asistir, pues no sé pondría en riesgo mi salud o la operación.

    La ocasión era formal, así que decidí usar un atuendo elegante pero al mismo tiempo cómodo que no me apretara en ningún lado y pudiera usar zapatos bajos...

    También debía hacer algo por mi cara de moribunda que he tenido últimamente 🙈. La post-anestesia me ha dado duro 🥺... Así que hice el intento de maquillarme para darle colorcito a mi rostro y tapar esas ojeras que han salido producto del dolor, porque descanso he tenido 😁. Primera vez que me maquillo acostada en la cama, se siente rarito 🥹.

    Por más que trataba de tener mi semblante de siempre... Mis ojos hablaban solos, aún debo recuperarme más!

    La reunión estuvo hermosa, compartí brevemente con amigos que se alegraron de verme allí y esos abrazos y bonitas palabras me llegaron al corazón y me dieron ánimo para retornar a casa a continuar con mi largo reposo. ❤️‍🩹

    Me saqué un par de fotos para conservar el recuerdo, aunque estaba más rígida que una pared jejeje...

    Finalmente regresamos a casa mi esposo, mi hija y yo... ☺️ Llegue a descansar, no presenté dolor gracias a Dios y me sentí feliz de haber estado presente en aquella noche especial!✨

    Por cierto, ayer justamente mi Esposo y yo estábamos cumpliendo 16 años juntos, pues un 24 de marzo del año 2008 nos hicimos novios jijiji, así que... Quedó todo mucho mejor.

    Ya en pocos días me toca retirarme los puntos, así que... Les estaré contando. Me despido con cariño hasta un próximo post ♥️

    We are going on day #10 of my post-op.... And I would honestly like the time to have the mode of the tiktok videos and advance it X2 to the next level 😁.

    However that is not possible.... So we lived day to day recovery as it should be.

    But Yesterday was an extremely special day, an important event was being commemorated and I wanted to make the sacrifice of being present. Our Creator God, He is so good to us.... He loves us, He cares for us, He guides us like a loving Father. So attending this event was extremely important to me, as I wanted to gladden his heart ❤️.

    The meeting would last about 45 minutes, I would be driving to the venue, I would be sitting in a comfortable space and not walking so much. So for that part I felt confident and calm to attend, as I didn't know I would be risking my health or the operation.

    The occasion was formal, so I decided to wear an elegant but at the same time comfortable outfit that would not tighten me anywhere and I could wear low shoes....

    I also had to do something about my dying face I've had lately 🙈. Post anesthesia has hit me hard 🥺.... So I tried to put some makeup on my face to give it some color and cover those dark circles under my eyes that have come out due to the pain, because I have been resting 😁. First time I put my makeup on lying in bed, it feels weird 🥹.

    As much as I was trying to have my usual countenance.... My eyes were speaking for themselves, I still need to recover more!

    The reunion was beautiful, I shared briefly with friends who were happy to see me there and those hugs and nice words touched my heart and gave me encouragement to return home to continue my long rest. ❤️‍🩹

    I took a couple of pictures to keep the memory, even though I was stiffer than a wall hehehehe....

    Finally my husband, my daughter and I went back home... ☺️ I got to rest, I had no pain thank God and I was happy to have been present on that special night!

    By the way, just yesterday my husband and I were celebrating 16 years together, because on March 24, 2008 we became sweethearts jijiji, so .... Everything turned out much better.

    In a few days I will have my stitches removed, so.... I will be telling you all about it. I bid you a fond farewell until my next post ♥️



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