The process of burning my CUB/PolyCUB for LEO

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We are closing into the end of the CUB/PolyCUB burn and more information can be found here. According to them, There isn't much time left so I thought I would give out some tips on how to go through the burn and what issues I faced.

    Useful tools

    First off, I think having access to debank for Polygon/BSC portfolio is a good thing. I used it to figure out what type of tokens were inside my wallet or what Defi pools that I was in. This allowed me to get out of all of my positions.

    Next off, the following will be useful if you need to add a token to your wallet and for later reference. This was gotten from here.

    • bLEO: 0x6421531af54c7b14ea805719035ebf1e3661c44a
    • pLEO: 0xf826a91e8de52bc1baf40d88203e572dc2551aa3
    • CUB: 0x50d809c74e0b8e49e7b4c65bb3109abe3ff4c1c1
    • POLYCUB: 0x7cc15fef543f205bf21018f038f591c6bada941c
    • xPOLYCUB Address: 0x905E21f6C4CB1Ad789CeD61CD0734590a4542346
    • vexPOLYCUB Address: 0x472a65cA0D76a938925d8a373b793C99379ABd83

    Getting out of the Kingdom/farms

    When I entered CUB/PolyCUB in the past, I was in the kingdoms (CUB only pools) and farms to earn CUB. I haven't touched it for over a year so this was a time to clean up my position and get out since the team doesn't really plan on doing much there anymore. It sucks to see the value of the positions drop so much but at least I can get out now.


    The first thing I unstaked was my CUB kingdom. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a screenshot before I removed mine but you have to make your kingdom flexible first before you can remove your CUB.


    First off I clicked the minus sign and approve the transactions to get back my LP tokens. In total, I did this for 3 different farms.

    After that, I go to Pancakeswap Liquidity to go to each pool that shows up and remove my liquidity. I enable the transaction and make sure to remove all of my liquidity.

    I did have a pool that did not show up and that was the CUB/bHBD LP position. I checked Debank to find out that it was still in my portfolio. So the first thing that I had to do was to click V2. After that, I click "Find other LP tokens". From there, I imported the correct pool using the tokens (use the token addresses mentioned earlier if you don't know them). Then click "Manage this pair" and you can follow the steps from before. With this, I am done moving out of the farms.

    LEO unwrap

    As I had some bLEO from getting out of my Farm LPs, I decided to unwrap that using the wLEO bridge. Make sure to grab the Hive-Engine transactions. For example, mine was here. It will contain the BSC transaction so it will be the link between your Hive account and your BSC accounts. I also did the same for pLEO for my PolyCUB position.

    Sending CUB/PolyCUB to null

    I followed the instructions in the post and sent the CUB in my wallet to the address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead. I did the same for my vexPolyCUB. Make sure to get the transaction link on BSC or Polygon for the form later.

    Submitting the Form

    After that you can go to the form and fill it out correctly. The CUB/PolyCUB burn transaction was from the previous step and the pLEO/bLEO unwrap is the hive-engine transaction that I asked you to save from the two steps before.

    When will you get your tokens?

    The bLEO unwrap is instant but the CUB/PolyCUB burn is supposed to happen every Friday. So you should try to get your transaction done before Friday so they can vet all the information. However, I did not get mine on Friday and it didn't show up until yesterday (Monday afternoon). It looks like the transaction was delayed and it will come out of the @cubfinance account. I decided to postpone this post until I got the actual refund to make sure all the steps were correct.


    As long as you follow the instructions, you should be able to get your LEO from burning CUB/PolyCUB. I was expecting the LEO to arrive on Friday (as stated in the post) but that didn't show up until Monday. If you haven't burned your CUB/PolyCUB, I hope this post helped you as it took me a while to get used to Defi platforms again.

    Did you participate in the CUB/PolyCUB burn? Or do you plan to?

    Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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