A well-spent six hours with art

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    For a while now, I've been seeing this beautiful art museum online, and I really wish to visit the place. After the hangout I had with my friends, I've not visited them or even gone anywhere. I was just home all day for weeks, and since I don't have anything to do at home, I was just scrolling through Web2 one day, and I was a museum full of art. A lady was talking about how beautiful the place looked.
    I saved the video, and after a few weeks, I decided to give the place a try. Well, I would not like to visit the place alone. Actually, I do not like traveling alone or hanging out alone.




    I decided to chat my sister up. And I asked her if she'd be free so we could visit the art gallery together. But then she said she would have loved to visit the place. But she needs to go back to school, and they are having lectures the following day. I would not want to hinder her with anything because she's in her final years at the university.

    I thought for a while and was like, Will it make any sense to go there all alone? I mean, I will need someone to take pictures and get the gist; I can't just be walking in the art gallery all alone. After some thinking, I remembered I have a friend in my state, and she's always free by the weekend. Moreover, she's also on Hive.
    I decided to chat her up, and she was like, Hey, dear, are you free today? Let's sometimes spend time together in the art gallery. Well, she agreed with me, and then I was very happy.

    I dressed and was already set to take my
    leave. I knew my friend would come late because she told me she wasn't available at the moment, but she would come.
    I had to leave early anyway because I don't even know where I'm going. My sister gave me the full name of the place, which I typed in on my Google map. I had to enter the public bus, and since I'm the only one going, there's no way I can use a car.

    I took the first public bus and trekked for a while, then entered the second public bus. When I highlighted that I ought to enter by bike to get to where I'm going, I decided to walk. The Google map was directing me, and I realized that it's not far again. Moreover, I was really hydrated. I decided to stop by and take drinks and biscuits.


    I asked people around; no one knew the place, even when I was close to it. I just summoned my courage and still followed the map. After walking for like 20 minutes, my map told me I was at the place, and I looked at my right side and realized that I'd truly gotten to the gallery.
    You have to pay a certain amount of money before you can enter the museum. I paid for two, knowing that my friend was coming. On getting there, I saw so many beautiful works of art. And also artists. The lady in charge was also very nice.
    There are people there taking pictures and so on. I waited for an hour, then my friend came around. We talked, we went around, and we saw so many beautiful works of art.



    I also met some influencers, and I decided to price some of those works of art because they are also for sale. I was telling my friend the meaning of some art there, and she got it really quickly. She asked me how exactly I knew about them. And I told her that I had sold art for two years. That was a very long time ago. So I know a few things about them.
    My friend was really amazed and surprised, and I priced one piece of art at around $7,000 for just one piece of art. That was a lot of money in Nigerian currency.

    After we fed our eyes with so many beautiful pictures, we decided to call it a day. We spent more than six good hours in the art gallery. Then we took enough pictures to show that we had evidence. After that, we all go back to our house.
    Here is the story of the art I visited. Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day.

    All pictures are mine

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