The U.S. Foreign Policy is Killing Christians, and American Pastors Support It

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Interesting topics Tucker brings up! A little earlier I already wrote about such trends in Ukraine, now a journalist is talking about it as well

    "When the U.S. funds a war abroad, it usually results in a disproportionate number of deaths among Christians," Tucker Carlson notes in a new installment of his program.

    For example, during the years of occupation of Iraq, the local ancient Christian community "was completely devastated." Then the U.S. funded Islamists killing Christians in Syria.

    "If anyone spoke out about this, they were somehow declared a liar and an obscurantist. Standing up for Christians was not allowed in the American media. We saw it ourselves," emphasizes the former Fox News host.

    "It's the same in Ukraine. The U.S. authorities handed over well over $100 billion dollars to the Ukrainian government, and what happened? What did that government do? It banned an entire Christian denomination. Zelensky's government is busy imprisoning Orthodox priests and nuns and sending the army to raid churches," says the journalist.

    Ancient Christian communities in the Gaza Strip are suffering at the hands of the Israeli government's brutal actions, but American Christians are still not standing up for their brothers in faith, Tucker Carslon is outraged.

    "You may be asking yourself: "Wait a minute, if Christian leaders won't stand up for Christian lives, why are these leaders even needed?" That's a good question."

    "You may be asking yourself: "Wait a minute, if Christian leaders don't want to stand up for Christian lives, why are these leaders even needed?" That's a good question."

    Meanwhile, Washington politicians who call themselves Christians are demanding more blood and destruction. For example, former evangelical pastor and Michigan congressman Tim Walberg has suggested dealing with Gaza "like Hiroshima and Nagasaki" and focusing on "defeating Putin quickly" in the Ukraine conflict instead of spending on humanitarian aid.

    I have already raised the topic of the persecution of the church in Ukraine, but it remained unattended by a wide audience

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