in voilk •  5 months ago

    Why Do Fathers always not like ( mildly hate😂)their Daughters’ Boyfriends on their first meeting but get friendlier with time. Share your thoughts with us, especially dads.😄

    Fathers are known for their highly protective attitude toward their daughters, that alone explains why fathers show hatred towards their daughters boyfriends almost at every instance. Of course, it is almost not abnormal for a father to go hard on his feature son in-law at their first meeting. In fact, most men get to properly prepare themselves before going on a meeting with their girlfriend's father, and that is the problem. Why must the girl's father be scary? Journey with me as I attempt to give answers this strange question.

    ei_1704442721413-removebg-preview.pngIn many cases, fathers who seem to be fighting against their daughters boyfriend do not really hate them. They are just being men😊. Though it sounds funny, but men in many cases give their daughters boyfriends tough time simply because they are their daughters father. Yes! The fact that men in most cases mount a little tension on their daughters boyfriend is a general knowledge, and that is just it😊; the society have made it so. Just like I have already stated above, fathers are know for their overprotective nature towards their children. This overprotective nature makes it almost impossible for a father not to attack a man who claim to love his daughter enough to want her for the rest of his life. Simply put, fathers cannot just help it, they just have to attack once any one who claim to be in love with their daughter. It is in probably in the nature of men to frustration their feature son in-laws. Distinct from this probable innate characteristic of a man to attack his feature son in-law, another reason why a father will choose to trouble a man who truly loves his daughter is love. Yes, love. It is the case that many men love their daughters to the extent that it becomes difficult to hand them over to another man. Showcasing this affection, they end up mounting unnecessary tension on any man who tend to love their daughter.
    Fathers being hard on their daughters boyfriends is a norm, but it is not always healthy. Being had on a boy who claim to be in love with a daughter of yours who is of age almost do not change anything. In my own opinion then, there is no rational reason why a father should fight his daughter's boyfriend (in as much as the daughter is of age). All a father should do when the matter is between his daughter and a guy she claim to love is to give reasonable and fatherly advice. Thus, if it be the case that you do not want your beloved daughter to be with a boyfriend of hers, all you have to do is to lay down your elderly advice. And if she refuses, let her be, It could be that you were wrong about the young man. But if not, let her learn from her mistake. It is of great importance that parents learn to give their children chance to make certain decisions that are personal, and this should be applicable to both male and female children. That not withstanding, it might not be out a place to intentionally pressure that one man who feels he is man enough to profess how much he loves my daughter to my face a little bit😋. After all we all men, we cannot just help it. A man who claim he wants to spend the rest of his life with my daughter must be tested😄.But in all that, I will never force a daughter of mine out of a relationship. I will let her make decisions that are related to her love life. And that for me is what a father should do.ei_1704442721413-removebg-preview.png
    I hope you enjoyed my little contribution to the weekly prompt, I remain your boy @ernesto6402. One love✌️

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