A Mother's Peace

in voilk •  4 months ago
    A Mother's Peace : NPC Memorable Moments

    Hello, how are you've been? So, this post is my entry for the weekly contest organized by Gaming Photography. It's a fun contest to participate, and hey @tommyl33 let's join together and have fun!

    After I free Azamo Bay from Mongol's hand, I remember that Lady Masako (NPC) also has unfinished business at the battlefield of Komoda Beach. That makes Jin and Lady have the same interest at the same place. Jin fall at Komoda Beach during the war, luckily, Yuna saves him. Lady Masako is still searching for the sign of her family member's whereabouts. So, today, Jin went to see her near the beach because that's where she's heading, like she told me before.

    So, I left Azamo Bay at dawn, riding and running. The was sun almost set when I almost reached Komoda Beach. When I arrived, she was attacked by a bunch of Mongols who wanted to capture her.

    Lady Masako show her sword fighting technique versus six enemies at once

    I see the Mongols really underestimated her. Yes, she is a lady, but she's also a legendary female warrior who has survived countless battles. The fight doesn't take long because most of the enemies don't have sturdy armor. So, killing them was easy. Lady Masako herself killed a few of them too. She is Clan Adachi sole survivor after all!

    The moment she killed her enemy, the fight was over

    Lady Masako shocked by my appearance. She told me that, she was looking for a family member. She already found her husband (dead), but she hasn't found her son yet. I tried to comfort her and told her that they died as warriors. I admit that I haven't seen where they fall because it was chaos at that time. So I decided to help her find her son.

    We enter the area of Kiyomori's Landing and begin searching her son

    The sun had already started to set when we began our search. We look for Clan Adachi's banner and examine the bodies that fall near it. We can see a few of them from a distance. We are going to examine them one by one.

    The first examined body

    The first body was found. It was Lady Masako's soldier, Clan Adachi loyal warrior. I told Lady Masako, during the war, after her husband's fall, all Clan Adachi's warriors surged forward to avenge their lord. No one fled from the battle field. She was comforted to know that they were loyal to the end.

    Another Clan Adachi's fallen warrior found

    We continue our search. After examining the bodies of some fallen horses, we conclude that they were going down the beach, and that's where we will proceed with our search.

    The wind really make the view at the beach during this time more fascinating

    We then found my fallen horse. It was a sad moment to see my best friend lying dead. He served me long enough. There's no happier moment to see than knowing he died only on the battlefield, loyal to me to the end. I remember me and my horse falling together at that time, but I survived. My uncle came in at the right time to save me from being killed at that time.

    Lady Masako shared a sad moment when we found my dead horse

    We found out who Lady Masako called Masanori. She told me that, Masanori was too young to be on the battlefield, but their family had no choice because his father was too old and weak already.

    Masanori, Clan Adachi, a young brave warrior

    We found the archer clan, the Nagao Clan. Their archery skill was unrivaled. I wish Sensei Ishikawa was with them, they might have a higher chance of surviving when led by a legendary archer. They sure killed a lot of Mongols with their archery skills before they fell.

    Clan Nagao, known for their unrivaled archery skill

    We then found my uncle's banner. During the battle, when one of these banners fell, I was afraid that it was my uncle. Lady Masako told me, only fools are afraid of death. I agree! Fear makes us alert to our surroundings and keeps us alive.

    Red banner, my uncle's banner, Lord Shimura

    We then found Ujikage's body. He was a friend of her son. He will never leave them. When Lady Masako told me that, we had a feeling that we might be nearing her son's whereabouts.

    Ujikage, her son's friend

    She was trembling at the moment she saw the body of Ujikage. She stood on her feet and moved forward to search for her dead sons. Of course she's hoping they are alive, but looking at the situation, the chances are slimmer.

    It's a sad moment, and I might remember this scene for quite some time. Although it is just a game, the situation that happened made me strike my emotions so hard that it made me remember what happened to me and our family (in real life).

    She left me quite a distance. She was moving faster than before, searching for her son. And then, at that moment, suddenly I heard her cry out. She cried, cried and cried. Calling her son, Shigesato! Yusinari!

    A moment of a mother, a parent, losing her son, not one but all, struck my emotion, tears almost came out because suddenly I remembered my late son (in real life)

    Lady Masako wishes Shigesato and Yusinari, should be buried beside their wives and children at Ariake. But she also understood that the journey to Ariake wouldn't be possible. So, we decide to bury them near the lighthouse at Saicho's Point. This, at least, will honor their sacrifice.

    Shigetaso and Yusinari played at the lighthouse when they were young. They love climbing the tower. Lady Masako always finds them there if they aren't back at night. They like to gaze at the star from there.

    Lady Masako telling Jin about her sons

    We leave the area and move out to the lighthouse at Saicho's Point. We ride to with our horse, and have a long chit chat before we arrive at the lighthouse.

    Lady Masako led the way to the lighthouse

    It was night, and some fogs closed our view from a distance when we arrived at Shaico's Point. Lady Masako really pumped up and can't wait to kill all the Mongols guarding the lighthouse. She surged forward and didn't fear anything in front of her.

    The Lighthouse, Saicho's Point

    I haven't reached the area yet, but she was already in the middle of the battle. Such a legend! If the leader comes, I will let her do the fight.

    Lady Masako in the middle of the battle

    I joined the battle as soon as I reached her. I kicked them flying, which was so much fun to see everytime, and she killed them aggressively! This moment fighting with NPC side by side will the most memorable one for me! Not only the story good, but she is soo coool!!

    Fighting side by side with Lady Masako is the most memorable for me with the NPC!

    The enemies fall one by one. Lady Masako had the last blood. We realize that this was not the end, more will comes, and a stronger foe ahead, behold!

    Look at her face, so much hate, so much emotion to avenge her son!

    Stronger enemies come. They were much stronger, much bigger, much more sturdy, and much more golden! I know that it's not a problem to us, but to see Lady Masako in action is rare, and this battle will make her much more memorable than ever!

    New reinforcement comes, they were much more stronger and respectable foe

    Although the reinforcements were giants, it was not much of a problem for me, as Jin. So I killed all the others and left the golden guy (leader) for Lady Masako. She had a blast and bloods were coloring their body. The fighting goes on all night and all dawn. It was fascinating to witness the fight. But just before morning, I found out that NPC (Lady Masako) cannot kill a leader. She can reduce the vitality of the leader but cannot kill it. It took me the whole night (in game) to realize this.

    Intense battle between Lady Masako versus the Golden Leader

    Look how she forced the leader to the wall's corner. It was a view of an Asian mother beating her brats kid to teach a memorable lesson. This bloody memorable lesson will go to Mongol, who is responsible for her son's death.

    Like I said, an npc cannot kill the leader. So I had it, the last blood. Killing a leader gives the player a notification and points. So, I think that's why npc cannot kill it.

    The final drop, the Golden Leader has fallen

    It was done. The lighthouse has been secured. The adrenaline pumping event must end. There is an important ceremony we must do now. To honor the death, to honor Shigetaso and Yusinari sacrifice.

    Dawn come to an end, morning sun is coming to cheer the sad heart

    "Take comfort in knowing that they all are at peace". That was what Lady Masako said to Jin to comfort him for losing his mother at very young age, and to comfort herself as well. Surprisingly, this words of hers touch my heart and comfort me for losing my son (real life) as well (879 days since). I will remember this words now and forever.

    A memorable speech coming from Lady Masako, to comfort all

    One of her family's killer still roaming free in Ariake. As much as I want to help Lady Masko to avenge her family right now, we spent the whole day near her son's graves. Grieving and regaining strength to face what may come to us in the future.

    It was raining, she kneels in front of her son's graves

    After the weather became clearer, I played flute for her. This flute has a really nice melody. And it has never been better to play it at such a right time as this one.

    Lady Masako's Peace

    So, that's all for today. Thank you so much for your memorable support, until next battle! Have a nice day, goodbye!

    Note : Video was recorded and all photos were screenshots taken by me while playing Ghost of Tsushima game

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