5 minute freewrite 2336 prompt feign

in voilk •  3 months ago

    This is my post for #freewriters 2336 prompt feign hosted by @mariannewest

    We started with five quail, but now we are down to two. The first one that died we did not know the cause, My husband found the next one dead and its head was wet and he thought it got its head caught between the wire and their water jar and drowned. I could not see how that could happen, but I guess anything is possible.

    The next one he found dead had its head wet, too, but he found the feign that did it still in the cage.

    Why would a snake this size try to eat a quail that it knows it could not swallow? This is what I think happened to the second quail because this one's head was wet like the other one, I think the snake got out before my husband saw it. I found the hole where the snake was getting in and fixed it.

    We tried to leave the last two in the same cage but the one I call Mama is a bully and wants to pick on the other one, it is sad because quail like to be together, but we have to keep them separated or she pecks and pulls feathers out of the smaller one.

    I still have Rudy and he is growing fast, look at the size of his back feet. People keep telling me that he will get mean, but this has not happened yet and I wonder if he will not get mean because I take him out of his cage every night and feed him treats, tonight he will get a strawberry, two apple slices, a piece of carrot, and a couple of rose pedals. I do not know how he can eat so much, I put three Swiss Chard pieces, three cabbage leaves, about an 8 inch piece of sweet potato vine, and we have a wide blade grass that he likes so I cut a bunch of it for him every day. In the morning it will all be gone, plus he has Timothy hay and store bought rabbit food in his cage, both of those will have some left in the morning so I know I am feeding him enough.

    My granddaughter gives the lady at the pet store updates on him, she raises rescue rabbits, and the lady says I have the most spoiled rabbit, ever. This might be so, but I love him so much so I do not mind spoiling him.
    photos are mine

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