Propose and Oppose | a rivalry series ‧₊˚✏ 📓

in voilk •  3 months ago


    "Dang it."

    Seraphine muttered curses under her breath while holding out the paper in front of her, where a glaring 89 was scrawled in red, her face betraying her frustration.

    A deafening silence spread across the room as their Literature teacher started handing out the opened-ended exam results they had last week. Seraphine's eyes landed across each of her classmates, just to see a bunch of them with their mouths hung open, with different looks plastered on their faces. Some were seemingly surprised, disappointed, confused, maybe? The rest? They seemingly did not care. But for Seraphine, she was not one to allow herself to be behind the class.

    "With all due respect Mrs. Ampley. We each put immense effort into this. We get that you have preference for writing styles but how come our scores are so low?" Seraphine rose to her seat, bravely pointing out her concern because of the unsatisfaction she felt after seeing an 11-point deduction on one of the most important tests for the school year.

    The students started to make a fuss about the situation. Whispers only started to get louder, some cheered and gave their nods in agreement to the girl who was still standing patiently, waiting for a response.

    "Please sit down, Ms. Sinclair." the Literature teacher now speaking with a stern look spread across her face.

    Upon hearing her last name being called, Seraphine politely sat down and adjusted the hem of her skirt.

    "I am very much aware to all of your concerns. I am open-minded on the thought that all of your have your unique writing styles. However, most works did not quite stand out for me. Although I get that you all worked hard and gave everything you could to prepare for this exam, some must've expected too much." Mrs. Ampley's words rang through the students' ears.

    "I do not want you to think lowly of yourselves after this exam, nor be disappointed with the results. Which is why, I am giving you all an opportunity to redeem yourselves for a 20-point addition to your score, in a voluntary angular debate." she announced.

    Whispers rippled through the classroom, tension mounting as students exchanged uncertain looks, each waiting for someone to bravely step forward and accept the challenge.

    "I will need two volunteers here at the front to start the debate. Any takers?" Mrs. Ampley added.

    Public speaking wasn't everyone's forte, but Seraphine was undaunted by the challenge. She silently stood up from her seat and made her way towards the front. With each step she took, a swarm of cheering erupted the place, confidence rising up from her veins.

    A small, approving smile tugged at the corners of the teacher's lips as the student, now poised, stood tall beside her.

    "We already have one representative. Would anyone else like to try?"

    Suppressing her eagerness, the teacher looked at each student in turn, silently hoping for someone to stand up.

    Without a word, the boy rose from his seat and moved beside his teacher, the air thick with anticipation. As he made his way to the front, a hush fell over the students, followed by a thunderous eruption of cheers and applause, their support echoing through the classroom.

    "Mr. Blanchet." the teacher's words flowed gracefully, carrying an air of sophistication and reverence to the man who was in front of her.

    With a slight, strained smile directed at the teacher, the man shifted his attention to his opponent, who appeared to be growing increasingly vexed or irritated.

    Lionel Blanchet. The rival who's been vying for the top spot since freshman year—how she loathed him. His habitual absence from classes and apparent indifference, only bought consistent outstanding results in every test or performance. However, it was as if every detail of him was meticulously sculpted to perfection. Tall stature, rich brunette locks, captivating green eyes, extremely off-the-charts talented, insane financial stability, and an irresistible charm that could mesmerize anyone who crossed his path.

    "Sinclair." Lionel reached out his hand as formal greet to the clueless girl, who had a firm look on her face.

    Seraphine shifted her gaze and locked eyes with him, studying his demeanor before taking his hand and shaking it lightly.

    "Blanchet. Surprised to see you on campus today." Seraphine mumbled with a grin on her face.

    They both let go of each other's hands, tension starting to volumize between them before the teacher spoke.

    "Welcome to our first class debate of the year. For the remaining students, I shall allow you to take your sides regarding the topic and you must write your own perspectives, followed up by presentable formatting. As for Lionel and Seraphine, you two will be given a corresponding grade, depending on how you will convey the message and persuade each side. The topic will focus on your level of understanding about humanity. Figure out which one are you more inclined to rely on, especially during moments of perplexity: The head? or the heart?"

    "I'll take the heart." Seraphine spoke up almost immediately after the teacher stopped on her tracks.

    The teacher gave her a small nod before proceeding. "Now that it's decided, Lionel shall take on the head side. Without wasting any time, let us begin."


    Hello everyone! Thank you for taking your time to read. I don't have enough time to continue the debate part because I still need to finish my school works. I will be uploading the debate scene on the next part! I am not really expecting much from this series but I hope you guys will enjoy it. I plan to make only 4 parts (maybe) out of this series so I can move on to another one with a much more unique storyline. See you on part 2!

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