Cats and plants

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I didn't have plants since moving to this house but recently I just filled it with different kinds of indoor plants. I knew whenever my cats would go out, I would see them sniffing grass or be near plants or something but I didn't realize how they actually like them.


    Ever since I bought some plants, the eldest cat in particular would always lay down near them. I mean, she sleeps sometimes in this area in the stairs but since bringing in plants she would often go to whenever I put them.



    She often comes to my computer room to sleep or climb the rack and be on top of the printer >:[. This time, she was rubbing her face on one of the pots... and I know why. :D


    That is because I placed one of my spider plants beside the window.


    She must have sniffed its existence despite being behind the curtain prior to this.

    In case you didn't know... spider plants are hallucinogenic to cats. XD I knew this because when I was living back in my parents house, I had a spider plant in my room that my mom brought in just so I would have greens in it. I noticed her literally eating the plant... then moments later I saw her staring at nothing... like she's seeing something else.

    When I researched it, apparently she was just high lol.


    Well of course... she remembered the great time she had so she started sniffing the plant.


    She started biting it! I just have to catch it on camera but I didn't let her bite more lol. Poor plant, granny just wanted to get high. T_T

    It's not the end of her shenanigans tho.


    I went downstairs to get some water when I noticed something moving on top of my head.




    She started sleeping beside the pothos I'm propagating. Did she think I left that space for her to squeeze in???


    She's not even guilty lol. But she was annoyed cos I kept on touching her tail that's swinging from there. She was ready to smack me.


    Thankfully she haven't knocked off any of those glasses (yet). Also she doesn't bite them which is a relief since pothos are not safe for pets when ingested.


    Mew likes to sleep under this sensation plant too. This wasn't his place before and he just started sleeping there since the plant came. He likes to sniff any new plants I bring in too. That one time I brought in a fiddle leaf fig for the first time and he just started sniffing it to oblivion. Then would meow when I try to get him away from it lol. We were nervous he would bite it since it is also toxic to pets but he didn't. He just liked the smell.

    I mean, I guess this is his first time with a plant since he's not an outdoors cat.


    Lastly, I caught Keanu squeezing in between those pots lol. Of all the places, why there? XD

    Before getting these plants, I made sure to do my research about the toxicity to pets. All of them except the spider plant are toxic to pets (when ingested), so I was kinda discouraged at first but I had to try.

    I brought in a fiddle leaf fig first to see how they react to it. All of them just sniffed it (even Ethan) and didn't want to do anything else with it. I slowly brought in more plants and thankfully they really don't care about putting it in their mouth. Probably the worst thing I saw was Mew trying to scratch the coco pole of one of the pothos and maybe scratching the snake plants too since I saw some marks lol.. and also Terena slapping the leaves of the sensation plant cos she thinks it was playing with her. D: But overall, they don't want to eat or anything (except for the spider plant which is non-toxic).

    Maybe next time I can find some actual catnip plant to try once more if they go crazy with it because the last time I got catnip (dried ones from store), they didn't care lol. Apparently some cats don't have the genes to be sensitive for catnips.

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