Re-Strategising for Financial Stability in 2025

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Re-Strategising for Financial Stability in 2025

    Where does one begin on this matter of financial stability? It is expedient for me to state that I am no expert on this topic, I, however can give one or two admonitions I've picked up over there years.


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    First of all, before we talk about stability, there must be a finance to be stabilised. This reminds me of when I was in secondary school. I'd joke that I was financially stable when, in fact, I had no money to my name. I thought that if one is consistently broke, that person is financially stable since the state of their finances does not fluctuate. It was later in life that I came to understand that being financially stable means the ability to meet one's needs at all times.


    Back in the days, very 'stable'.

    For most people that I know, the regular monthly salary is not enough. In November of last year, I wrote in a post that by the third week of a month my resources are mostly depleted and I'm just holding on to get to the end of the month. It is a vicious cycle that calls for additional strategies.

    One way in which one can be financially stable is to diversify one's streams of income. Again, recall that I said I was no expert in these matters. I am also looking for other things I can do to make money, so if you have ideas and deals, please put me on. Now, I've heard people talk about how one can do tasks on the internet and earn money, several times I followed links posted on social media, now it's looking like the claim is not true because I got scammed once, at other times, the terms for withdrawal were just impossible. In any case, I'm inclined to believe that there are opportunities on the internet. It's one way to financial stability.


    Embedding this picture of me and my nephew for no reason.

    One reason I struggle through the month is that I don't plan for my money. I try as much as possible to make myself comfortable, but I also try to see that people around me are comfortable, so in a week I could run through 15% of my monthly income catering for my students and friends. In just one week, and I have needs! I said all that to say this: Always plan your spending. When you spend without planning, you tend to spend past what your natural budget should be. One sound financial advice I've heard is from one of Charles Dickens' books where a character says: Income - £100 l, Expenditure - £98, Result - happy life! Income - £100, Expenditure - £102, Result - Misery!

    Above all, eat good food and take precautions, you tend to spend more treating illness than when you just eat the right diet and stay hygienic. I might just talk to experts and write some more on this topic.

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