Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 194 // Rejection 😔

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings friends of Weekend Experiences! 🥰❤️

    There is nothing I hate more than rejection in general so my chosen topic is:

    How do you handle rejection, well or badly, and why? How has it affected you positively or negatively?


    Rejection can affect our emotional stability, feeling sadness, anger or frustration after being rejected. The important thing is not to try to repress our emotions and understand that whatever the situation we are experiencing, it does not define us as a person.

    The best thing we can do is talk about our problem with someone we trust, tell them what is happening to us and get a little support, and we must also always remember our virtues so as not to get carried away by that rejection that we are feeling at the moment.

    I don't know if it happens to you, but I receive rejection daily just by going out on the street, there are times when I don't even understand why I receive rejection from people I don't even know.

    Sometimes I think it's because of my clothing which is nothing out of the ordinary, many times I think it's because of the way I speak, sometimes I speak very harshly, ha ha, or it happens to me a lot that when I arrive at a place to buy , the person who serves me treats me in a way that does not seem cordial to me.

    My way of handling this situation is to simply continue with what I am doing and not pay much attention to it, some people improve their treatment after a while, as there are others who continue to be bitter, but I think that the problem lies with that person and not with me, that It is the main key so that this situation does not affect you.

    We must all learn to have empathy, put ourselves in the other person's shoes, what would you feel if they did the same to you.

    Another of the great examples of rejection happens with my daughters and of course this affects me, they like to dress in a different way, wear outfits that some may see as strange and it is not because they are my daughters but they look beautiful on them. 🤭, when you go out on the street it is incredible how many looks you receive, but many of those looks are unpleasant and annoying.

    I talk to them a lot about how they should handle that situation and they have learned not to give much importance to those situations, but there are times or people in which this affects them a lot, that is why we must work on our self-esteem and always remember our best virtues.


    Another type of rejection that has happened to me a lot is with friends and sometimes even with family, many times I am very insistent on inviting my loved ones, some reject my invitation and make excuses for not accepting, but there are also those friends You invite them and they arrive in 5 seconds 😂.

    At the moment I ignore the rejection situation, I think that the person must be very busy and I let it go, but then I find out that it was because this person did not want to share with me, at the moment the situation of course affects me, they make me feel wrong, but then I face my problem by not inviting this person anymore.

    It has also happened to me that those friends that I have invited have a meeting and do not remember me at any time, that is also annoying and is a very ugly rejection, and it is not that I am spiteful but my way of handling this situation is to discard this type of person from my life and meet with those people who do want to be by my side, or why not, also enjoy my solitude, throughout my life I have also learned to enjoy those moments that are only for me and it doesn't bother me, on the contrary sometimes I need those days when I want to be alone with myself ☺️


    A piece of advice from me, never feel afraid to walk away from those people who reject you since it is better to live happy, feel loved by those around you and be at peace, than to have people by your side who what they do is make you feel bad ☺️


    The photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone and edited in canva

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