The Risk We Face | An Accident I Won't Forget In A Long While

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I do remember this prayer my parents always add to their prayers anytime they pray even most yoruba parent does, they always say "Whenever the road want to drink blood or eat people, we won't always be available", at times I always joke around whenever they say that prayer, no one told me how important that prayer is until things happened to us on the way. Accidents aren't things we people plans for even humans are always careful one way or the other but these accident are something unforeseen contingency, let me share one of my dying moment.

    There was a time 2years ago when a friend of mine sister was getting married and I was invited so I had to drive down to Sagamu from Lagos, it was just 1hr 30mins drive but my car was faulty so I took it like that and getting to Sagamu I dropped it at a mechanic shop and went for the wedding and after the mechanic told me something got damaged and I couldn't repair it on time so I just decided to stay in Sagamu and spend the weeks just to have fun and all. Like two days later, one of my friend want to visit his sister at the outskirt of Lagos so we decided to tag alone because house was boring, We were 5 in the car, two of my friend, his pregnant wife and his sister, we reach the destination successful and all gist, laugh and all.

    Suddenly, it began to rain heavily and you know in Lagos, everywhere will be full of water, like one side of the road where there is drainage, we waiting for some hours hoping the rain will stop but it didn't so we just decided to risk it home since the person driving isn't a novice so we all entered the car and I was sitting in the middle at the back sit. we were on our way and we saw an accident, two car hit each other by the road side where there was water even though there was no traffic and before we know it, another car went ahead and hit one of the accident car, we don't even know what went wrong and somehow we were joking in the car about the last car.


    Immediately my guy told his wife to use seat belt when he noticed she wasn't using it, and after like 3mins, I was about making a statement that he should try avoid the water on the road and try to stay on the lane without water because heavy water can take control of steering at times, before I could utter the word, gbom he lost control and before we know it we collide with a car standing by the road side, the force was mad to the extent that the car at rest moved to like some distance away from us, and I felt the impact and almost faint even the air bag came out. Omo we were all shocked but no one was injured, all the whole car bonnet part and engine got condemned, we got down and the man in the other car came down too and was looking at us from afar, he was kind of confused thinking he cause the accident without knowing he actually save us because if we didn't hit him, there are chances the car will hit the pavement and summersault but to my surprise, nothing happened to his car.

    Even till now I do use to joke about it that there is different between a car and motor, the old model motor are way stronger than the recent cars but that day I felt heaven because what happened that day do claim lives but we thank God we are alive. We just called towing vehicle who help us tow the car back home, one dying day I will not forget anytime soon but I learnt one thing when driving always drive save, speed less, use seat belts and be focus, no matter how long the distance is you will always get there even if you drive like a tortoise.

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