The Mess Elon Musk Made Underneath Las Vegas

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Elon Musk’s tunnel dream looks better in theory than in real life. Yes it'll probably be very cool to who cruise with your car underground, bypassing traffic driving an expensive Tesla, bit if you look at what he's created, it's a complete mess down there. Right now, people are just sneaking in, the drivers are confused because of how the whole thing has been structured, and I don't know what the skateboarders are even doing there. These tunnels he created were supposed to represent innovation, but they look like a playground playground with not that much order.

    Elon Musk's original promise about the tunnel was to create something that would be so futuristic that it should make sci-fi writers jealous but instead, what did we get? Some basic Tesla shuttle service.

    This is not what I thought I would see with the hyperloop vision of passengers moving underground at 700 mph. On top of all this there's also safety issues. The tunnels have been built too close to monorail pillars so employees are scared for their lives just in case goes wrong. This is very reckless. I don't know why tech companies are always in such a rush to innovate without ensuring the foundation is solid. I guess it's the investors they try to impress so they can get more money.

    There's also the 67 trespassing incidents in Las Vegas. People are just wandering around down there s if it's some amusement park but I’m not surprised at all because that's just how Vegas is. The whole place is designed to call for chaos.

    I think Elon Musk should pay more attention to fixing these issues before expanding further into the city.

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