Those Days of Struggle & Hard work

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Difficulties are part of life. Difficulties teach us to live life and help us to find best version of ourselves. Difficult time followed me like creepy shadow but i learned lessons from those shadows.

    My struggling Family

    Today, i was remembering that time when my family was totally entrenched into difficulties. Difficulties were like web of spider in which my family was entangled.

    My uncle was facing Business loss. Even my uncle left his Business and game of business was going out of the hands. In the mean time my father took harsh and wise decisions to sell property so that we can get back our Business. Shocking thing was that we had to migrate from our village to city. Uncertainty was lingering over head because we were not aware that where we are going to live?

    The last nail in the coffin was that we were living in a house which was rental. My father was saving each little peny to bring back his father's legacy( business). It was the most hard time which i witnessed in my life which i have lived until now.

    Each day and night was like a question mark and testing our patience and struggles. I still remember.......Once my father's pocket was empty but he had to buy vegetables for dinner. I felt bad to see him in that situation. At that time, i put all my savings, which i used to save with 5 ruppee daily, on the hand of my father. My father's eyes were shinning with proud and in high tone he thanked me.

    As a kid, it was also difficult for me because i used to see other's people face who were happily enjoying their pocket money. But, my pocket used to be empty.

    Still in my heart... Flower of hope was blooming and i was faithful that Allah has better Plans.

    Clock was passing time and soon that time approached when my family took hold of Business again. It was the time to be grateful to Allah Almighty. It was the time when all hardships resulted into success. We were enjoying the fruit of success. It was no doubt a long journey which is almost impossible to encode fully in the words.

    When i used to reach home late

    Although i am still a student but type of student which i used to be in intermediate was different. I didn't know to ride motorcycle and car. I used to travel in local transports. Now, local transports are much better but at that time things were changed. Also, my academy was in a remote area and i had to walk on railway track for constant 15 mintues to get local bus.

    At that time, it was the most difficult thing for me because other students used to go on motorcyles and i was so alone with my thoughts. I used to feel alienated. But, but.... But i was faithful that no matter what.. i will receive reward of all my hardwork and efforts.

    It proved when result got announced and i got 1010 marks out of 1100. It was huge thing for me. My eyes were filled with tears of gratefulness. I was unexpectedly happy.

    Lessons I learned

    No matter what you do! If you are doing it with pure heart and struggling with all your efforts then leave the results on Allah( God) Almighty. Results will prove that you worked hard and you will be successful in the end.

    Never lose hope.... It's the best thing to keep us alive.


    Thank you so much for scrolling down.

    every picture belongs to me

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