Warframe Update: Killing bosses, finding treasures and ranking up

in voilk •  20 days ago

    Hello and welcome back to my blog!

    I don't know where I should start. In the last couple of days, I mostly played Warframe and did a lot of things.

    My top priority is to unlock all the junctions even if I am not able to unlock all the nodes in a single planet. Each planet has an assassination mission which is the boss battle.

    I have unlocked Neptune now and still a few more to go. The enemy level has started going up in these missions and doing them solo is a bit challenging now.

    But I have done all of them in solo runs only except one mission type "Interception" where you have to capture four towers at the same time and these towers are spread far and maintaining control over all the towers at once becomes difficult. I took some help from the community on those missions and people were happy to help. I like the community even more, they seem so helpful.

    I have completed two more story quests in the last two days. I just finished "Natah" a couple of hours ago and it was a good mission. Some of the underwater stuff was boring but overall an important mission. I got to know more about the Mother Lotus who gives us missions.

    I managed to do a lot of smaller missions which I have left because they seemed optional at that time. But these missions give you mission points which helps in ranking up. That's why I did a lot of random missions from earlier planets.

    Doing all the missions while trying new weapons and upgrading them gave me a lot of experience and mastery points and I unlocked the new Mastery Rank test.

    You can only take these tests once every 24 hours and if you fail you have to wait for the next day. You can practice the test and see what it is going to be. You don't want to go into it without seeing what the objective of the test will be. This one was easy, it was about clearing 3 waves of enemies in a certain amount of time.

    Look at my stats now. For every new Mastery Rank, you need exponentially more points. So, it is much harder than the last rank.

    I have just started to understand a few more things in the game. One of my clan mates told me about the Ayatan Treasures and how they can be fitted with the Ayatan Stars and sold for Endo in the Maroo Bazaar. These Endo are used to upgrade mods.

    Mods are what give the weapon or warframe more power. They give extra buffs like damage, shields, health, critical chances, elemental damages and much more.

    These Mods drop in missions and I have collected a lot of them. There are a lot of different Mods for different types of weapons. There are mods even for our companions!

    While most of the Mods give positive effects some give both a positive and a negative effect. These are called Corrupted mods but usually, the positives are better than the negatives and you can use another mode in your loadout to counter the negative effect. I have "Blind Rage" which is a Corrupted Mod I farmed a few days ago.

    I am building a lot of weapons. Some of the blueprints I got from my clan while some I bought from the market. But some quests give you weapons too and that's exactly what "The Deadlock Protocol" gave me. The weapon is called Xoris and it is one of the coolest weapons so far. It can clear hordes of enemies easily with its splash damage attack.

    On top of all the things I was doing, there was a big event in the game. A new big update of the game came out today which brought a new warframe, Jade and new weapons, a game new mode and some quality of life changes. It all came with a new quest and the sad part is I can't play it yet because I have to complete a few more quests to unlock it. I am still a noob in this game.

    Great to see a game getting regular updates and the best part is all the things in the new update can be farmed in the game not like they have to be bought only. But you can still buy some bundles if you are lazy or want to get your hands on the new items on day 1.

    I can talk about this game a lot but I don't want to bore you with more stuff. I am addicted to it. Stay away from the game if you want to have some spare time in your life...lol


    • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
    • Screenshots are from the game, Warframe.

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