Mi vecina era una anciana muy extraña, casi nunca salía de su casa, a veces cuando jugábamos en el patio, nos asomabamos por su ventana.
Su casa era tenue, a penas se veía el desteñido papel tapiz que cubría parte de las paredes, habían algunos gatos que merodeaban por su mesa y un reloj de pared que resonaba muy fuerte.
Sobre la mesa siempre había un pastel de calabaza, al final salíamos corriendo cuando escuchábamos sus pasos al bajar la vieja y chillona escalera.
Mi mamá siempre me decia que debía respetar a la vecina de al lado y no invadir su privacidad, así que aquel otoño mamá decidió que limpiará su desordenado patio.
Al siguiente día muy temprano me levanté para cumplir con la tarea del jardín, entre al patio trasero de la vecina y comencé a recoger las hojas del jardín.
Mientras recogía un objeto tapo la aspiradora, intenté destapar la base, pero no podía, era algo grande y pegajoso, que tenía la planta de calabaza.
De repente frente a mí estaba la vecina, su piel de cerca se veía más arrugada, sus uñas largas y mugres destacaban en sus largos dedos.
Ella me miró con esos ojos negros intensos, me pidió entrar a la casa a comer una rebanada de su pastel, yo no quería.
Al entrar el olor a moho era horrible, la casa se veía mucho más desordenada, los gatos subían y bajaban de la mesa, yo no deseaba probar el pastel.
Ella me sirvió un trozo muy grande y se sentó frente a mí con una taza de té, no quería ser descortés, así que decidí probar un poco.
Este, olía delicioso, estaba suave y migoso, no quería dejar de comerlo, ella sonreía mientras lo saboreaba y de repente me preguntó con su voz ronca -que tal está mi pastel?-.
No podía responder porque tenía llena la boca, ella salió a fuera y trajo la aspiradora, desenrrosco la tapa y saco el objeto atorado.
El último trozo de pastel se atoro en mi garganta, al ver qué el objeto se trataba de una mano pequeña, parecía pertenecer a un niño.
Ella reía como loca y sin más me dijo: -te comes a tú amigo Ian, quien a sido un buen abono para mí planta de calabaza- pensé que era una mentira, pero era verdad.
Mi amigo Ian había desaparecido desde hacía un mes, misteriosamente no volvió a casa, todos pensaban que alguien lo había secuestrado.
Al final de aquel otoño no volví a salir de casa y jamás volví a merodear en la casa de la vecina, su enorme planta crecía y si yo salía podría ser el próximo relleno de aquel pastel de calabaza. 🎃
! [English]
Pumpkin Pie 🎃
My neighbor was a very strange old lady, she hardly ever left her house, sometimes when we played in the yard, we would peek through her window.
Her house was dim, you could barely see the faded wallpaper that covered part of the walls, there were some cats that roamed around her table and a wall clock that was ringing very loudly.
On the table there was always a pumpkin pie, at the end we would run out when we heard his footsteps coming down the old squeaky staircase.
My mom always told me that I should respect the next door neighbor and not invade her privacy, so that fall mom decided that I would clean up her messy yard.
Early the next morning I got up to do the yard chore, went into the neighbor's backyard and began to rake the leaves from the yard.
As I was picking up an object clogged the vacuum cleaner, I tried to uncover the base, but I couldn't, it was something big and sticky, which had the pumpkin plant in it.
Suddenly in front of me was the neighbor, her skin up close looked more wrinkled, her long, dull nails stood out on her long fingers.
She looked at me with those intense black eyes, she asked me to come into the house to eat a slice of her pie, I didn't want to.
As we entered the musty smell was horrible, the house looked much messier, cats were running up and down the table, I did not want to taste the cake.
She served me a very large piece and sat down across from me with a cup of tea, I didn't want to be rude, so I decided to try some.
This one smelled delicious, it was soft and crumbly, I didn't want to stop eating it, she smiled as she tasted it and suddenly she asked me with her hoarse voice -how is my cake?
I couldn't answer because my mouth was full, she went outside and brought the vacuum cleaner, unscrewed the lid and took out the stuck object.
The last piece of cake got stuck in my throat, when I saw that the object was a small hand, it seemed to belong to a child.
She laughed like crazy and without further ado said to me: "You are eating your friend Ian, who has been a good fertilizer for my pumpkin plant", I thought it was a lie, but it was true.
My friend Ian had been missing for a month, he mysteriously did not return home, everyone thought that someone had kidnapped him.
At the end of that fall I never left the house again and I never loitered around the neighbor's house again, her huge plant was growing and if I went out I could be the next filling for that pumpkin pie. 🎃
Story of my authorship, I do not allow the reproduction or modification of the text.