The balance between logic and pragmatism and feeling and intuition.

in voilk •  last month

    Logical and pragmatic or intuitive and sentimental..gif

    We often find ourselves in situations where we have to make important decisions. Some people are more prone to follow their feelings and intuition rather than acting more pragmatically, but I in some cases tend to pay more attention to my emotions and hunches rather than following a logical and rational line in decision making, and in other cases I am more analytical and take as a basis the facts and data provided to me.

    I have always found myself in this dichotomy between logic and intuition. I know that reason and evidence are important to reach solid conclusions based on the scientific method and logical reasoning to solve problems. I believe that we all have the ability to reason in a coherent and structured manner, based on solid premises and conclusions. Additionally, we make decisions based on utility and practicality, focusing on results.

    On the other hand, feelings and intuition are related to my emotions and that unexplainable feeling that sometimes guides me in a certain direction. My feelings are the emotional response I experience in different situations, while my intuition is that hunch or gut feeling that tells me which way to go, even when there are no apparent reasons to do so.

    In the world of work, for example, it is necessary to balance decision-making based on data and analysis with the ability to empathize and understand people's emotional needs. Similarly, in the personal sphere, interpersonal relationships also require a balance between rationality and emotionality to achieve effective and satisfactory communication.

    Our emotions provide us with valuable information about a situation or decision, and can alert us to potential dangers or problems that we might overlook if we rely solely on logic and facts.

    In addition, our emotions and hunches can reflect our true needs and desires. Sometimes, our pragmatic choices may not be aligned with what we really want in life. I once had to choose between two career opportunities: one that paid very well but involved working in a field I wasn't interested in, such as medical device marketing, and another that was less lucrative but appealed to me, such as corporate financial analysis.

    Despite the pressure I was under to choose the more pragmatic option, I decided to follow my heart and opt for the job that made me feel more fulfilled on a personal level. In the long run, this decision turned out to be the right one, as it allowed me to develop professionally in an area that I was truly passionate about.


    Photograph of my property taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone, modified with the Paint 3D program.

    However, it is important to recognize that following our emotions and hunches alone can have its downsides. Sometimes, our feelings can be biased by our own past experiences, beliefs or prejudices, which could lead us to make mistakes in our decisions. Intuition, while a valuable tool, can also be misleading and lead us to incorrect conclusions if it is not supported by logical and critical reasoning.

    Likewise, not all situations allow the luxury of exclusively following our feelings and intuition. In work or professional environments, for example, it is crucial to be pragmatic and make decisions based on concrete facts and rational analysis. In these cases, giving free rein to our emotions could lead to undesirable results and jeopardize our performance and success at work.

    I am an Auditor and Financial Analyst, my work is based on the objective analysis of numerical and financial data. I use tools such as financial ratios, cash flow projections and trend analysis to evaluate the financial situation of companies. I seek practical and effective solutions to the financial problems faced by organizations.


    Photo of my property taken with my Umidigi F2 cell phone.

    I must be able to identify patterns, establish cause-effect relationships and reach rational conclusions from the available information. At work, I must have an analytical and critical approach, since objectively analyzing and evaluating the financial situation of a company is essential to ensure transparency and accuracy in the company's decision making.

    For me, the balance between logic and pragmatism, on the one hand, and feelings and intuition, on the other, are fundamental to navigate the complexity of life. By integrating these two aspects harmoniously, it is possible for me to make more accurate and relevant decisions, which allow me to develop as an individual within society.

    This is my participation in the initiative Weekend Topics: WEEK 207, suggested by @galenkp Link here.

    My chosen topic is:

    Are you more logical and pragmatic, or do you listen more to your feelings and intuition? Explain with examples. Remember to use your own photos.

    Happy Weekend to all of you.

    The first image is a collage of my property being modified with Paint 3D. The image of me on the left was taken with a Sony Ericsson cell phone and the one on the right with an Umidigi F2 cell phone. These are the original images:


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