'Nobody Reads My Hive Posts' Man Gets Shock when He Published Old Post From Years Ago

in voilk •  3 months ago

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    Arthur was an hour into his long rant of a post claiming Hive was dead and nobody reads his posts anymore. That last post about Billy The Kid took him an age to research. The rewards were only OK. $9.95 Hive with the usual Hive friends giving him the auto vote. A couple of the African lads gave a generic comment which gave Arthur the impression that they didn't even fucking read it.
    Comments like "Billy the Kid was magnificent sir" and " Nice post" did not fill Arthur with hope. He did not really care about the rewards as such as he liked writing but his post he felt was worth more than $9.95 with the research that went into it. Looking up at his Britainnia Encyclopedia's B-C, he had taken Billy the Kid, summarised it in his own words and posted it on he blockchain. But he may as well have not bothered. It was all a con. Some other one taking a picture of an oak leaf on her walk got $96 so Arthur knew it was all about who you cuddled up to on Discord and not the quality content. He decided his next post was about lack of readership on the platform and he wasn't going to hold back.
    Arthur signed off on his moaning post to which he also went a bit unnoticed by the Hive Community. Arthur had enough. He had entered his Holocaust post from a year ago into a competition which he came first in. A first class trip to Auschwitz which he found somewhat confusing. Seeing that he was getting joy in the real work Arthur had had enough with the Hive thing. Maybe if he posted his old posts in a different community he would get more readership. Yes this is what he will do. Nobody read his old posts anyway so what the hell. Sure doesn't Henry regurgitate the same old actifit post daily and nobody gave a shite.

    Two weeks later

    and this is why Davy Crockett had a Scottish accent with a hint of French THE END .............

    Arthur had wrote about Davy last year and decided to do the copy and paste jobbie and repost it. The second reward round would maybe make things worth his while. He may even get another comment or two.

    "Some tea is in order", so he called his wife Audrey to put the kettle on even though he was close. He pulled his trousers up above his nipples like old people do and let out an enormous fart.

    The little Discord bubble sound went off around 5 minutes later which was the usual from the Hive users close to his heart. They were probably the only people that would realise that he did a Davy Crockett post last year but even they wouldn't even cop onto it. It was a perfect plan in a way. Ten minutes later another few bubbles. Normally the nice witnesses who supported him daily that were too above the 5 minute window to care about meagre comment rewards. Audrey had the tea made at this stage. She was getting a bit slow in her old age and sometimes spilled the milk or worse still forget where she left the sugar. Arthur went off about his business peeping out the curtain to see what the immigrants were up to across the road. Drugs most probably. Those pesky immigrants. Up to no good again. All of a sudden Arthur computer started going mad. Notification after notification.

    Arthur sat down at his kitchen table with the end of his glasses his mouth. 105 comments on his Davey post. Hallelujah!!!
    He scrolled down to answer any questions around Davey that were going to come up but all he could see was abuse from Hive users telling him that he was reproducing old posts. Someone even did a post around his posts and used cursors and arrows in photos to compare the two posts and where the changes were made. Arthur went into a sweat as half the Hive community condemned him to Blurt. He was now marked man. Some major players came in and wiped his $10 in downvotes and called him a scumbag.

    "But nobody reads the posts" Arthur said to himself.
    "How did these fuckers know?"

    Arthur threw his D-E Encyclopedia's off the table in disgust. He had known these people from his years on Hive. They never went near him and he never went near them but he knew they were up to no good taking money out of Hive but yet they have the nerve to downvote him for his quality content albeit his 2nd try. Even Actifit Henry put his size 9 shoe in for good measure to make sure he was beaten.

    Three days later the post had 600 comments, been downvoted to high heaven, was cancelled on Hive and one Hive user was in the process of doxxing him to find out his true identity and if Arthur Daley was really his real name"

    "It was so he doesn't have much to do" muttered Arthur.

    Arthur had learned his lesson. 10 years of being the most engaged man on @moustachers engagement league doesn't get you jack shit. He also learned that people do read his posts but never upvote them. !The tight bastards!!! Arthur spurted.
    Reading my posts and not giving me a penny and then when I screw up I get jumped on like Bruce Waynes father and mother coming out of the theatre.

    Arthur did not take this lying down and decided to reply to all the 600 comments on his blog. His comments such as "Suck my sweaty old balls Rozanne" did not go down well with Rozanne who he regularly upvoted even though her stuff wasn't any good and a bit short for the rewards she was earning.

    He also replied to one of the devs who had spent the last 3 years earning 700 HBD per day from the DHF and had yet to produce Fuck All. Even the Leo boys who just tapped into the DHF were Layer 1 building bridges to Hive. What were the Hive guys doing?

    After all these comments Arthur was jaded. He was looking forward to tomorrow where he was going to revitalise (copy and paste ) his Sargent Custard post. Let the games begin though Arthur. At least now I am getting readers.

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