In an apocalyptic world week: 204

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Although we have all seen through movies and series of a post-apocalyptic world, the reality is that it would be worse than the versions shown on television, worse than a war, it would be a world of thieves and murderers, rapists and looters, a world without rules or laws, a world governed by the law of the strongest, a world purely for men, and although in the movies women are made to look as strong and skilled as men, the reality is that it is not so and it is not something to be ashamed of, we are not there to compete but to complement each other.

    the great truth is that in the first months and years of an apocalyptic world many people would die because the vast majority of us are dependent we do not know how to produce our food because we are used to acquire it in supermarkets and stores we have a very comfortable life we even have the luxury of choosing what to eat.

    the main ability for me would be water because we could survive without eating for a few days, but not without water no that's why the ideal would be to store as much drinking water and have basic knowledge to purify water with some chemical or natural way for that is very necessary to get a fire starter so we can boil water or if it were better to develop the ability to make fire only with our ingenuity and the tools that nature provides this would be a super skill that few people possess in the world are also necessary knowledge of natural sources of fresh water as waterfalls springs rivers or swamps or how to create dumps to find groundwater in cases of drought.

    the second would be to learn to grow our own food such as vegetables and short cycle vegetables to raise animals chickens pigs rabbits goats to be able to sustain ourselves, but all that implied a process a time for them we should leave the big cities and find land away from the road fertile land and good areas for fishing and hunting of wild animals that would be the first source of protein is why having an experienced fisherman or hunter increases our chances of survival is also necessary to have certain skills to preserve such food as smoking the dehydration or the solation of meat among others would also say to have certain knowledge of mushrooms and wild plants that are edible, so we could take more advantage of nature.

    The third necessary skill I could put several such as carpentry, blacksmithing, medicine or have basic knowledge of first aid and keep medicines and antibiotics, alcohol gauze, I think every family should have a first aid kit not that I'm paranoid, but one never knows what emergency may arise also a very essential skill is to read maps and compasses to know where we are and take the fastest route or that best suits us to reach our goal and have situational awareness to take the best dations so it would be best to organize ourselves in group of family and best friends people in which we can trust and although most of the things I name are practically perfectly done by men, women we can do the most of the things we name are practically perfectly done by men, women can do the most of the things we can do. we women can find a balance to also help and not just be a burden we would have to eat things and do things we never did because there would be no other choice and like it or not in an apocalyptic world we would have to defend ourselves we would have to use weapons to drive away looters or threats as far away from our family and our supplies and our home I have never liked weapons, but a mother or a father would do anything to protect their children.


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