in voilk •  4 months ago



    The normal person would think, what a fracking pain in the ass, I am giving up. And, not those excate words but I hear that every time INLEO has issues.

    And did I have issues yesterday trying to get a long form post posted. I tried two different mobile phones, I tried two different PC's, one at home and my one at work. I got a hold of @anomadsoul and sent him all kind of diag screen shots. And I seemed to be the only person on INLEO having this issue.

    Then I got so busy at work I did not have a chance. But near my end of day at work I still had the same problem. So I switched over to my @hive-112281 acount and hoping beyound hope that the issue was fixed. And I was able to post.

    I went back to this account and same issue. I was really starting to scratch my head. Then I had the light bulb moment

    This is a screen shot, do you see right above on the right where is says EXCEL. If you did not know if you click on that you can very pretty paist excel spread sheet data into you long form post.

    The only diference between my long form posts yesterday was one had excel one did not. There is something gone wrong with the use of using the EXCEL when doing long form.

    I will wait till it is fixed. I know it will be fixed. I trust the INLEO team that much.

    And then this morning on my PC I cannot upload pics again. Yes there is pics in this post. I upload them to PeakD, copy the link and use the INLEO image upload but put the link in. Yes it can be more time consumming but it works.

    INLEO is growing, it is building. We are all builders and founders of what is going on on the Hive blockchain. We should be more than happy to help. To figure out bugs, report them, find a way around them till they are fixed.

    Something amazing is happening and a lot of people cannot see the forest for the trees.

    I like to think I can see every tree in the forest.

    Keep the faith, keep plugging along. And come in talk to me in a few years when everything is sunshine and lolypops if you do not want to now.



    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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