Living her best Loon Life

in voilk •  2 months ago


    As Mother's Day is right around the corner in the US, @mrsbozz wanted to do something special for hers this year. She tried to find a time for her siblings to get together for dinner, but we are all busy (including her parents), and it just wasn't working out.

    Instead, she found out that our niece was going to be working last night at the local minor league ball park, so we decided to take them to a game.

    The photo above is of my niece explaining all about her job and how she knows when to be where in the stadium. I've know this girl since she was about three years old and I don't know if I have ever seen her smile this much in all that time. She really loves what she is doing here and it has definitely brought her out of her shell. I am so proud of her!


    I've said this before, but it's actually a quite beautiful park. Dow Diamond sits right near downtown Midland and it is the home of the Great Lakes Loons baseball team. It's still a bit early in the season, so the place was relatively empty. They did a contest where everyone in a certain section got a free gift certificate to Qdoba. I counted and there was only nine people in the whole section!


    Unlike some years where we go an entire summer without making it to a single game, this year we have already been twice and my wife was talking about going a few more times this summer if we got bored. I think she just loves seeing our niece live her best life. I can't blame her for that!


    This was during the seventh inning stretch where she has to go out on the field and sing Take Me Out To The Ballgame with her coworkers and some of the younger fans. It was Paws and Claws night last night at the stadium, so there were people with dogs all over the place.

    It was a bit hard for @mrsbozz and I given the recent loss of our sweet dog, but we powered through it.

    Unfortunately, the Loons ended up losing the game 3 to 4. We left shortly after visiting with our niece and watching her sing because it was quite cold.

    The wind was coming straight out of the north and blowing right in our faces. Had we realized it was going to be that chilly, we would have planned a bit better.


    The photo above should give you an idea of just how empty the stadium was. Make no mistake though, come summertime, those seats will be filled. Despite the cold and the loss, it was still a great evening. I always enjoy getting out to the ballpark and taking in the sights, sounds, and smells that are associated with it.

    I'm also happy to see that our niece is settling into her first real job and having a blast while doing it. I think it's going to be an awesome summer for her!

    Sports Talk Social - @bozz.sports


    All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced

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