Sources of my delight..Loh #212.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Warm greetings and welcome to a new week!

    Do you believe that we are happier today than in times gone by?

    This is the first question posed by @truck-life family for the #ladiesofhive community prompt for the week and this question really had me reflecting deeply. At first glance, it would seem as if the answer should be in the negative but pausing to think about the question deeply, you would find that happiness dwells on the current happenings and not in the past.

    Everyday I get to open my eyes and see a new day,l am happy and grateful. Everytime I go out and come in safely, I'm happy. When I eat I'm happy. When I play with my kid, I'm happy. Times have changed and some wish that they could go back to a certain period of their lives when they felt very happy to re-live that moment but sadly that cannot be. We have to make the most of what we have at present and choose to be happy in the now. I believe that I am happier now with myself and with my current level in life than in times gone by.

    What brings true happiness and how important is it to you, to pursue it?

    This second question is so beautiful as I feel like many people have forgotten what true happiness is. Some attribute happiness to their material possessions, fat bank accounts, status attained and even achievements accrued over time but deep down, these things don't sustain happiness. They might make one temporarily happy but that happiness is fleeting and not worthwhile.

    The source of true happiness I believe is from within a person's core beliefs and values. A person's core value beliefs breeds conviction that would outlast the presence of material possessions and assets.

    Personally, I derive joy from my faith and belief on a higher being. My faith in God and in His promises for me and my family truly, truly brings me joy and happiness.

    Other things that brings me true happiness is to see my family thriving. I look at my siblings and see how they are growing daily, meeting their needs and achieving all that they set their hearts on. I also look at my daughter and see her basking in health, wisdom and radiance and this stirs uo joy from within me. I might not be the best parent but I do my very best to guide and raise her into a responsible young lady. Seeing her walk in the principles that I teach her brings me happi but more than that, her very existence brings me true happiness.

    Also, looking at my friends, loved ones and those I am affiliated with, basking in good health, thriving each day despite the dwindling economy and the stress that comes from the inflation, making basic needs almost inaccessible, this brinhs me joy. Some of my loved ones are in far cities but when I call them and hear their voice over the phone plus all the stories they have to share, this brings me true happiness.

    Lastly, looking at how far I have come, looking at where I'm at physically, mentally, emotionally, looking at how i have been able to scale several hurdles of life and survived despite all odds, despite the many hardships, I cannot but be happy. I am content with myself and as I live and I choose to be happy.

    Thank you all for reading. Shalom

    Images used are mine.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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