[ESP|ENG] Celebrating my sister's birthday | Celebrando el cumpleaños de mi hermana

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Welcome once again to my blog. On the 9th of this month, we celebrated my sister Katarina's birthday. There is something very curious that I want to tell you about her. She has been very fortunate, because with her effort and sacrifice she has travelled to Europe several times, and she has my nephew living in Croatia. She is a very hard-working woman, with a lot of spirit and dedicated to her profession, as an industrial engineer. We celebrated her birthday here in our mother's house, in the company of our father and a guest, my sister's mother-in-law. The cake was prepared by my daughter @keritroberts. We had a very nice evening even though the electricity was turned off.


    Bienvenidos una vez mas a mi blog. El pasado 9 del presente mes, celebramos el cumpleaños de mi hermana Katarina. Hay algo muy curioso que les quiero contar sobre ella. Ha sido muy afortunada, ya que con su esfuerzo y sacrificio ha viajado a Europa varias veces, y tiene a mi sobrino viviendo en Croacia. Es una mujer muy trabajadora, con mucho temple y dedicada a su profesión, como ingeniero industrial. El cumpleaños, se lo celebramos aquí en la casa materna, en compañía de nuestro padre y de una invitada, la comadre de mi hermana. La torta la preparo mi hija @keritroberts. Pasamos una noche muy agradable a pesar de que nos quitaron la electricidad.

    Muchas gracias por visitar y leer mi blog, será hasta la próxima entrega.|Thank you very much for visiting and reading my blog, see you in the next installment.

    ¡Lluvia de bendiciones para todos! | ¡Blessings showered on all!

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