in voilk •  2 months ago

    Careers are what we do for a living haven been trained for it i.e. one's occupation. Careers are good because through it we earn a living, we maximize our abilities, talents and potentials, we give expression to ideas, concepts and innovations. Most importantly, we meet the needs of human through our careers and by it we also provide solutions to human problems hereby making our world a better place to live and enjoy.


    Careers are like a journey starting with the first step of been trained for it through studying and learning both formally (in the four walls of school) and informally aswell. True career path is the one that is not just focused on earning salary, wage or commission for personal upkeep, but rather that is futuristic, goal driven, meeting the basic needs of man and solving problems. Careers comes in form of a service e.g. professional services like law, medical, banking etc and also, in form of transactions involving products e.g. importing and exporting, buying and selling of goods, trading, crafts etc.

    The major demand in any career path of choice is upskilling to meet the present realities as the needs arises. Now in this era of technological advancement, some careers are been taken done probably because of no vision in view, not aligning with present realities, no upskilling, not meeting demands or solving problems as they should. It is good to know that not all careers are/will be taken down by automation and artificial intelligence (AI) and that automation/AI is not to end careers if well incorporated into one's career.


    In this era of automation/A.I., careers which aligns with these present realities and undergoes upskilling leveraging on technological advancement will only move higher and not extincted. Automation and A.I. are human inventions which still requires human input one way or the other, therefore, these inventions should not be seen as a threat, rather as a tool for advancement if well leveraged on and utilised. For me as a healthcare professional (Pharmacist), my career is service oriented towards meeting the health, wellness demands of people.

    There has been alot of technological advancement which makes it easier for efficient service delivery, hence, i keep upskilling so as to remain relevant and efficient. For me, the trajectory of a career path chosen is more important than the subject studied because some career path starts with a particular major subject and the career path requires exploring other fields of subject. For example, I'm a Community Pharmacist and there are other related fields such as business management, public health, management studies etc been needed for a better service delivery.


    In all, i believe that having the right mindset and clarity about one's career goes a long way and having a readiness to upskill, learn more and provides better service and product delivery so as to meet people's needs, solve problems and add value making our world a better place will keep one going forward and upward. Automation and AI should be seen in the right perspective and not as a threat but as a tool of positive development. Thank you for reading even as comments and contributions are welcomed.

    This is my participation post in #Mayinleo monthly prompt for day 21 by the #inleo. Check out this to get involved. @princessbusayo and @chidisticks, you are invited to join this initiative THUMBNAIL DESIGNED USING CANVA

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