Alive & Thriving Friday : Featuring a Short Kitty Tale || AATYr4 || LarryIsAlive

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Happy FriYAY 🎉 Wishing everyone a restful weekend 🥂
    My day cooling experiment seems to be working somehow. I've noticed how breeze usually comes from the back area, so leaving all windows and even the back screen door ajar brings more wind inside the flat. The downside is I have to deal with more insects. 🙄 win some, lose some. It took me this long to realize that the flat is no longer ideal for comfortable living. 😒 #timeschange


    Since it's the weekend (not yet mine as I still have work tomorrow), I thought I'd change the format for today. I've been trying to motivate myself to write shorts. I hope to gather enough creative mojos to continue on this mini project. I dedicate it to all the kitties out there. May you all be protected always.

    Strange, Dark, & Mysterious (Shorts)


    He was snickering as he felt a certain feeling of satisfaction after hitting that little black cat he chanced upon in the hallway with the broom he had on hand.

    "Pesky things," he thought. "I should throw you out of the building when I get the chance." He likes the idea. It will certainly make his work easier. He was too wrapped up in thoughts that he didn't notice the grumpy old woman at the end of the hallway giving him a deathly stare.

    "Meow," the little black kitty called out to the old woman. It's as if the little one was telling her mama what the bad man did.

    "I know little one. I saw what he did to you. Stay closer to home so you'll be safer." the old woman advised the black kitty.

    Later that evening, he would retire to his staff room feeling all beat from the day's cleaning work. He was still grumbling about the cats in the building as he fell asleep. Sleep would come easy despite the heat.

    "Huh? What's that? Who's there?" He thought he heard some scratching in the room. He's too groggy to get up so he just lay in bed. In the dark, he thought he could make out a dark shadow with sharp claws slowly moving towards him. He wanted to move but found himself paralyzed on the bed. He struggled to no avail until the shadow was in front of him. The last thing he remembered was being ripped open by the shadow.

    "Aaaahhh..." He jolted up all sweaty and gasping for breath. It was just a bad dream. Or so he thought when at the corner of the room, he saw two yellow eyes in the dark staring at him.

    Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


    Let me recap my quest for today... (6/6)

    LN - completed daily goal for the challenge 👍 weekly is now at 88% so I will need at least 12 mails tomorrow to complete it too. Stay tuned...

    CTPX - completed my daily run today but no win from yesterday. Try again tomorrow...

    LL - daily surf and convert completed 👍 I'm working towards reaching $4 for now. One dollar at a time... till cash out is reached again 😉

    TAB - the elusive lucky 888 points is surpassed again today as I completed my minimum daily surf

    FAFY - decided to do an extra easy activity today even though I have now reached my 1K reward points goal

    ITB - completed my five shares today 👍 bitcoin halving is happening in a day (?) let's see how that will impact the price 🤔 it's interesting how I need only 10 BTC for my dream place (based on local conversion at the moment).

    screenshots from my quest can be found below...




    >>> What's new? : Check out CTPX









    Infinity Traffic Boost


    Thank you so much for reading my shorts for today. I hope I can come up with more of it. Tonight I'm honored by the appearance of TweeniePolka again. 🙏 Despite her bad condition, she resists being given assistance. I spent more time outside and kept talking with her to let me help her. She's still sitting outside at the time of this writing. I left a box for her outside in case she needs it. 🙏❤️💡


    It's a wrap today! Time to continue chilling. One more work day then a little bit of rest. I hope I'd be able to afford android helpers once they are made available. 😆 Nighty night from Manila. See you on my next post tomorrow. Ta-tah! 👋


    credits for the new signature : @stdd

    My books are now available:


    Never Bother


    Don't You Cry No More

    DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
    More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
    NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

    I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

    My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

    Documenting my life's journey:

    My main blog ===> Fresh Start

    Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

    BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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