#MyLEOGoals - So Bitcoin Did A Thing?

in voilk •  3 months ago

    It halfed? Is that even a word?

    For someone who has been in this crypto stuff for a decade now, I still have no idea about most of this stuff.

    Apparently the 'moon' didn't hbappen though because $BTC is still around where it was last week...Maybe a bit higher. Who knows....

    Which goes back to something @taskmaster4450le and I said for years on the podcast.....Stop paying attention to the price of this stuff!

    Do we all wanna get rich? Feed our families off this stuff? Go to the moon and back a few times?


    But it's pretty obvious to me over again, a decade into this stuff, every time someone says the price will do this...The opposite happens. Or nothing happens. Sorry folks, all your TA and RSI lines mean pretty much nothing if you are looking big picture. Can you make some bucks doing the day trading stuff? I guess, don't care....I'm so boring but I'm literally here for the tech!

    But beyond that, I really have been in this blockchain for one reason and one reason only....The community.

    We have great tech. Price never seems to do much.

    We have amazing apps. Industry still doesn't seem to care about us.

    We have great people! And that's what matters....It really does!

    I know, it's not the sexy thing. And sure, there's plenty of issues on the 'top' of this chain. But the everyday person that actually uses this stuff, specifically the $LEO community....Are truly the cream of the crop here!

    That's why I'm still here....It's obviously not to get rich LOL

    150,000 LEO Power

    I don't even know what I'm doing right now lol

    I thought I was supposed to have some liquid LEO for this MAYA stuff, but I honestly haven't spent a penny looking into it. I don't have the time, and when it comes down to it...I really don't want to spend any amount of time trying to learn a new blockchain and wallet.

    So right now...I'm just keeping some liquid LEO, just in case I get inspired lol

    150,000 - 118,779.43 = 31,220.55 left to go

    I'm still moving the needle, but I'm not going to power up everything these days. Again, being 6 plus years on chain, all I did was power up. Time to keep some liquid across the board now...

    This is pathetic lol But better than last week. Again a few things I have noticed since I haven't been around on chain every day like I used to is that...Out of sight, out of mind. The big accounts that used to upvote me, pretty much don't. The interaction is still good, but not as good as it used to be when I was really active.

    This all comes down to an important lesson for everyone...If you are going to build here, you HAVE to stay the course. You must show up, every single day!

    Here's what I'm talking about....

    Just rough lol

    But it does come down to my effort at the end of the day....The more active I am, the more rewards I'll get. It's that simple.

    We'll see how it goes this week, I'm on the road for a big chunk of it, but I'll try to get more active....Urgh what a weird thing for me to say lol

    Hope you guys have a fantastic 7 days on the blockchain!!

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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