Nadi before and after her summer haircut

in voilk •  3 months ago

    We have gotten to the time of year where regardless of what she ends up looking like, I cut a lot of Nadi's hair off of her so that she doesn't have to be so hot all the time. It is brutally hot in Vietnam for the next 5 months and since Nadi doesn't care at all what she looks like, I get most of her body shaved and leave a bit of fluff here and there. The difference is huge because prior to the haircut she was only able to go on walks for about 10 minutes at a time. I like to walk her more than that so this was necessary.


    I decided to leave some of her face fluff intact and find it a bit amusing how the salon did this. I don't really think they did a very good job but by the time I got there she had already been in the place that she hates the most for 3 hours and I was not going to subject her to being there longer.


    The above picture is what she looked like before and she was just so hot all the time. I had to keep a fan on her even inside my house and was leaving the AC on when I would leave. As far as walks were concerned she would gas out very quickly and that had to be stopped.

    She gets plenty of attention when I take her out around town now.


    We went to the pub to have a few celebratory drinks and she is a favorite customer there. Almost everyone that goes there knows her and she can be trusted to not leave the place. She is a good girl, she knows she is not allowed to leave there without permission. Not that she would really have anywhere to go anyway.


    I'm not really happy with what they did to her hair but when I turned up to get her from the salon she was so excited and happy to be leaving there that I wasn't going to break her heard by having them take her into the back again, so we are just going to deal with it.

    Nadi is a Shi-Tzu mix so she never sheds, which is a big plus because with other dogs that I had in the past their hair just got into everything and without regular grooming when you would pet them you end up with dog hair all over your hands. With this particular breed the hair almost never comes out unless their is some sort of sickness that makes that happen. The downside is that she has to get haircuts as often as a person does. It's not expensive but it is time-consuming and something that she really hates doing.

    So I hope you think she looks cute because I am not going to do anything else about it!

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