Going to Heaven, Part 4

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Going to Heaven, Part 4


    It is my pleasure again to participate in the teaching by Brother Eli Soriano, who went on to teach about going to heaven in Part 4 of this teaching. I can honestly tell you that a lot has been achieved and learned during the course of this lesson, and it is my pleasure to explain as much as I have learned from this lesson so far, which is highly moral and educational to me.

    The first part of the scripture used during the course of the lesson talked about the man after God's own heart who had the desire to build a temple for God with all he had in place for the construction of the temple, which was later built by his son Solomon as God demanded.

    So on this David didn't hesitate to acknowledge the desire of the Lord, who has commanded him to allow his son to build the temple; hence, this display shown by David was actually the virtue of humility and submission he has where God is, so what should we do in line with the scripture?

    Hence, it is always good for every Christian to accept God's desire first, which shows total submission to the word of God, which has to prepare us for the kingdom of God. Hence, it is good that we do the display carried out by David over being humble in serving God despite having all it takes to be a man on Earth, yet he is still submissive to authority.

    The book of Chronicles 22:9–10 shows the understanding that David had when God gave him the command to allow his son to build his temple for him despite being eager to do it; even at that, he understands and follows God's commands.

    This part of the scripture teaches about being obedient to the word of God, which has rewards attached to it; hence, this is trying to teach us that we ought to be in alignment with the word of God at all times in order to be among those who will enjoy the benefits that have to do with being righteous.

    Moral Lessons


    Humble: According to this lesson, he teaches examples of what David did in alignment with the word of God; hence, doing this builds us spiritually.

    Faith: As Solomon did, he was obedient to the word of God and, at the same time, faithful to the word of God; hence, this teaches having faith.
    defines our intention to inherit the Kingdom of God.

    Wisdom: As he has given to King Solomon wisdom, which shows his fulfillment of his promises, being closer to God gives us the spiritual and physical wisdom that lead our part as Christians.

    Legacy: Having a good legacy is what actually defines us as believers; hence, living a good life is quite emulating the sight of God, which leaves a good legacy for others to learn from, and at the same time, it enhances our spiritual growth for the heavenly race.

    ☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆



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