in voilk •  2 months ago

    Good evening everyone, happy weekend to you all, I hope you had some great time with your friends and loved ones. I feel so excited writing in this community, I came across this cycling community yesterday and I was surprised because I never knew a community like this was in existence. This is my first post in this community and I’ll gladly share my experiences with everyone here.


    When I was quite younger, I never loved taking risk, I’d always think negatively of what might happen if I do a particular thing, this fear had held me right from childhood that I never thought I could one day ride a bicycle. My friends and neighbours all had bicycle, the rode their bicycle every now and then to school, church, run errands, play with it and lots more. I never dared to try or learn but I only admired them whenever they play or use their bicycle, I kept on admiring them but I never wanted taking that risk to try. Till I became a teenager I never tried riding a bicycle.

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    One day, my father and I went on a morning jog, it was indeed fun, we jogged from the house to several places and finally we arrived the Greenfield. The Greenfield is a field more like a playground where people go for picnic and sports, we were glad to have finally arrived and we started some sports I saw two kids and three teenagers riding their bicycle and I was happy to watch them ride.

    Suddenly I heard a voice behind me saying “would you love to give it a try” it was my dad speaking, I smiled because I couldn’t say no this time, I made up my mind to try with the mind-set that even though I fall my dad was right beside me to help me, so I found courage and had confidence in my dad, I told him I was willing to learn from him. He smiled and walked towards one of those teenagers asking him to lend him his bicycle for some time which he did, my dad gladly collected the bicycle and headed for a ride, I watched him ride and I was smiling all through.

    It was now my turn to finally taka a chance, I was really scared but my dad assured me that I’d love it, the seat of the bike was too high for me so my dad had to adjust it till I could sit on it, when I sat on it, I held the handlebars, my dad held my hands on the handlebars and I was balanced then he moved the bicycle slowly with my feet off the ground , he told me to always be focus by looking straight up and not looking down, so I did just that till I maintained balance and focus.

    He slowly put my feet on the pedals, he showed me how to place my feet and push, so I placed one of my feet on the pedal and moved slowly, he then put my other foot on the pedal and I took the same move, he helped me propel slowly and gradually, it was indeed scary as a first timer.

    I kept propelling the pedal fearfully and gradually, my dad had to let me do it on my own, he held the seat and the handlebars while I moved the pedal slowly till I was able to get it right, it wasn’t so easy as I had thought but my dad did a great job that day, he finally left me to try it myself while he followed me behind, I felt scared but I did just as he showed me and boom! I was able to ride it by myself.

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    My joy knew no bounds as I finally overcame my fear, I tried it over and over again, I was very excited, I thought I could ride perfectly on my own, little did I know that was just my beginning, I kept riding round the field, unknowing to me that the was gallop somewhere, I didn’t know what exactly happened but I found myself on the ground with bruises on my knees, it was painful but that didn’t stop me, I summon courage to stand up and ride it again. I was happy and grateful to my father for helping and teaching me.

    The next day, when I went to school, I got my friend’s bicycle and practice what I learnt, though I didn’t have a bicycle, I practiced continually till I overcame my fear of riding a bicycle.
    That was how I learnt, it was and exciting adventure built on determination. Kudos to my father for being my first cycling teacher.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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