Baron Fyatt: One of the Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Event monsters is a must to have as a player

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Two cards were launched to grace the Halving event, A legendary and a rare card..


    I was not planning to make a post on this until Baron Fyatt saved my ass in an unpredictable battle I had with a fearsome opponent with a deadly lineup.

    I can predict most of my battles, I know when I am going to lose or win right from seeing my opponent line up but in this particular battle I want to share that I could not predict the winner, there were many factors and even while many rounds have been played I still doubt who was going to win.

    So if you have not gotten yours, there are 5 days left to get it in the shop, don't sleep on this, or else you might regret not buying it cheap when you had the chance from Splinterlands promo shop.


    1 baron cost 15 650 Dec + 312 vouchers, it is advisable to use the voucher to save up some Dec, you can calculate how much it will cost to max 1 since 11 cards are needed for it.

    I like Baron because of its amazing abilities:

    Halving: This is the main ability of the event and it cuts down the attack on the monsters hit by Baron for the first time to half.

    Scattershot: I did not like this monster at first because of this ability but the ability is what helped me to win the battle I would share below... scattershot makes Baron attack random, it does not attack a particular position.

    Ambush: This gives the monster the ability to act before the battle starts.

    Blind: It gives 15% chances of melee and range monsters missing their target on the opponent monsters with this ability.


    battle link

    Baron literally touched all the 5 monsters that I marked in the picture above and he successfully cut their power into half rendering some to be very weak and that was my number 1 advantage that makes me think I have a chance of winning the battle.

    Baron weakens the opponent monsters but Immolation makes winning possible at the end, thanks to its scavenger ability which increases his health at the end of any monsters on either team.

    This is one of my interesting battles, you should watch it.

    if you want to be a part of this week's Splinterlands social media challenge, you can join from here

    All pictures are gotten from Splinterlands lore and game

    Just call me Burl.

    I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

    Discord: burlarj#8326
    Twitter id: burlarj1
    Telegram: burlarj
    God exists, I am a living testimony
    Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
    Don't wish for it, Make it happen

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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