Scientific Review; benefits of Oats in your body. -My Actifit Report Card: May 3 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Scientific Review; benefits of Oats in your body.

    Oatmeal is the ally in the diet of people who seek to remove body fat from the body, also for people who seek to develop a little more muscle mass.

    The ideal is to consume them regularly and because they are a very practical food, they can be done in many ways, for example, at breakfast by combining them with dairy products such as yogurt and also with fruits such as banana or apple on the same plate. On the other hand, due to its high satiety power, it can be a very good option to include in those sandwiches between meals.

    In addition, oats are an excellent source of fiber, 2 tablespoons of oats provide approximately 2.9 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to 12% of the recommended value for nutrient intake on average for an older adult, always remember that when talking about these values These are approximate values ​​and on average they will have to be adjusted to each case, but to generalize it is recommended to consume about 25 grams of fiber per day.

    It is a very nutritious food because it is a lightly processed cereal, which ensures the integrity of the grain while maintaining its vitamin and mineral content. It provides B1, B2 and E that help in the longevity of our cells, especially those necessary for proper digestion; protein synthesis and lipid carbohydrate metabolism.

    I have already mentioned in previous publications the importance of choosing foods in their most natural state possible, trying to avoid the most processed foods, those that we do not know very well what they have, and looking for them in their natural state whenever possible, in the case of oats rolled oats are not exactly the natural state of the grain, it only has a process in which it is crushed to make it easier to consume, but it maintains the integrity of the grain, it does not lose any grain in that process.

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    _This report was published via Actifit app ([Android]( | [iOS]( Check out the original version [here on](

    Cycling, Home Improvement, Running, Walking
    176 cm
    69 kg
    Body Fat

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