5 Minute Freewrite - Scrape The Bone

in voilk •  4 months ago

    All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.



    In traveling doctor knowing a general being injured on his right arm due to a poison arrow and wishes to treat the general.

    He asked if the general is willing to be treated by him. Prior to treatment, the general asked the procedure that the doctor will use. The doctor shared his procedure that he will apply local anaesthesia and then open up the wound to scrape the bone to remove any traces of poison.

    While the general was very much agree to the procedure, his subordinates weren't. They have never heard of this procedure and had doubts that this will heal the general but instead cause him to lose his arm. The general told his subordinates that there is no other means so he is willing to give it a try.

    The general also told the doctor that no anaesthesia is needed, all he need is hot rice wine and someone to play chess with to divert his attention. One of the genera's subordinates volunteered to spar on chess with the general. After 30minutes, the procedure is over and everyone was in shock.

    The general then tried to flex his right arm and he felt real good. He wanted to reward the doctor but the doctor said, this is affinity between us, there is no need to reward. He laugh loudly and then took his medical box, leaving the army camp and continue travelling.

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