Back Alley Splash in Pondy - Monomad Challenge

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hail to the Hive!

    Hoping I'm not breaking any rules here but I noticed 50% must be black and white and in this post I'm including the same images in b&w with a little colour splash. Please go easy on me if I've wandered off the path!


    While I was in Pondicherry, India recent;y I had the luxury of an amazing amount of street photography opportunities and apart from the obvious stuff, temples etc, there was also some neglected buildings that screamed for a bit of monochromatic attention.


    and I really like the b&w colour splash combos with these images so I thought I'd include them as I feel its the intrplay between black and white and the splash of colour that really makes them work.


    As always I got more than the occasional odd look from folks who noticed what I was taking shots of but I'm immune to it now and it bothers me not. I know what I am looking for and am not going to let strange looks from people stop me from getting my images.


    Pretty much everywhere seemed to cry out to be framed and shot.


    and I shise the green to offset the black and white with this highligting the foliage and signage while leaving the street in monochrome. I really liked this.


    Neglected doorways screaming character and age. Just abut anything and everywhere here in India you could point a camera at and get some worthwhile imagery.


    Hopefully I've not wandered off the rules map and this post still meets the criteria.


    Because as you all know

    I Love a bit of #monomad 😜



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