A Day of the Mackerel Sky

in voilk •  3 months ago

    As I pack my gears to go home from an evening shift, I noticed that the clouds have a wonderfully unique formation on that mountain. The clouds look like fish scales that float into the morning sky. My curiosity drove me to take pictures of the clouds then brought the pictures to Google search and learned that the clouds are called mackerel sky and when I read further, I learned that the clouds are of cirrocumulus of which a classic rhyme that passed on to weatherlore says, “mackerel sky, not twenty-four hours dry.” which means there is a possibility of rain if there are sightings of these clouds. However, when I arrived home, my wife asked me if we can go to her place to attend the birthday celebration of her neice of which I gladly affirmed because I haven't been to their place for quite a long time. So after taking s rest for a couple of minutes, we bound to her hometown aboard my motorcycle and we are amazed at the cloud formation we saw along the way.

    Though some of the clouds had been diffused by the sun, patches of fish scale like cloud formation remain in the blue sky and they seemed to follow us everywhere we go. Halfway to my wife's place, we saw a lovely sighting along the diversion road so we stopped for a while for me to take a few clicks at this spectacular view from rhe sky.

    Then we proceeded to resume our journey until we reached the bridge leading to my wife's village and upon approaching the bridge, I slowed down with thoughts that the bridge could be an ideal spot to view the clouds and it is indeed a nice vintage point because in the upstream of the river, the direction where the diversion road is located, we saw this sight. The clouds were almost gone at the said location and only the blue sky can be seen.

    But downstream, here is the sight that greeted us, patches of mackerel sky clouds almost fill the sky and these clouds are either cirrocumulus or altocumulus or could be even altostratus? Whatever they are called, these clouds almost leave me breathless and they seemed not to be affected by the continuous blowing of the winds from above.

    I once again started the engine as we get near to my wife's place and we indeed arrived. After having a few chat with my in-laws, I went to the nearby riverbank to resume my cloud viewing spree and this is what I saw to the direction towards upstream.

    Then it's about time to leave my wife's place for the birthday celebration that I mentioned earlier and we headed to the hotel located near the town proper of San Juan, La Union, Philippines and we are hoping that in spite of the cloudy weather, it will not rain for the rest of the day.

    Clouds can be seen at the opposite directions and we are worried that it will rain soon or in our way going home. But still, the party goes on and we have some good food and drinks to enjoy but I choose not to show it here so that I will not become out of the topic. I strolled near the poolside and went to the beach after I set my device to automatic and have my selfie taken.

    We stayed at the hotel and at the beach until twilight and due to the presence of clouds that blanketed the sky, I wasn't able to take a good picture of the setting sun but its alright anyway, what is important is there is no rain that spoiled the celebration and we enjoyed the simple get-together along with my wife's relatives.

    This is my humble composition for this week to Love the Clouds Community by @TobeTada and thank you all for browsing at my content.

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