Creative-Sunday-: Diy Home Photo studio for beauty shots (Let's get creative with a non-digital)

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Happy sunday hiveleaners' famlt, and welcome to my creative Sunday entry for the week, today we are getting creative like never before atemptim a phoso shoot seession di style from the studio setup like lighting accessories and props to the shot device wich is unconventional, we test creativity with the aim to inspire you for your crearive endeavours,kreep reading below as we get itnot it

    For today creaive sunday i shw you hao i conducted a beuty photoshots at the comfort of my home using material that are avilable to me at tthe moment

    Starting of with "the setup"


    I am fo cusing on the set setup where i am going to be conduvign the shoot, this is a wide space i am using with whiite was, infirst switvh the lighting to a neutral white and get to cleanign the space, i then move a piece of shelve furniture which i a m going to be uing as the seating prop for the shoot, i then began with settin up my do this istart to setup the tripod where the camera is going to be palced


    i am shooting this photos with an iphoen 11 device , but before this i am going to fiddlem wirht the caera setting with the o=pgotogrpaht trick i ahve leanr recently, this would allow me captur ethe best shots possiblw.


    still in the set up step, i am setting up my first lightinf which is my main lighting source for this shoot, i am using an 18 inch ringligting, this light has different colour modes, which is great for flexibility with adjusting the lighting look for photos, i dragg the light to my preffereed hight which is above my head, and then to diffuse the strength of the light i use a cream mesh clothes to cover the ring light,

    Next step "makeup"


    For the theme of this shoot, i am going for a rather minimalistic makeup, that looks fresh and simple, this is for the sole purpose that is is a beauty shoot and the makeup requirement is ususlly simple and fresh looking, i used makeup products that allowed for glow, like roduts with highlited cream tints and minimal foundation, i applied a bright cream blush to look flushed too.

    Next Step "hair"


    i am going for a blowout wave look, which is 90's inspired , using a curling hair iron i create wave in my 4c hair, this took quite a while, but it turned out just as i had expected.

    Final look of the hair and makeup!!




    i am going for a bandeau top look, the main aim of the shoot is my face, which is why i had decided to wear a black bandeu to which didnt distract the face as the ain focus


    in a beauty shoot, some sort neuatral toned nail, is always a goto-whic is why i ahd done a neuatral toned acrylic dip powder nails look and this was the final result after completing the process.

    Starting the Shoot

    this is my final lithgting set up i ahd moved it to be direcrtly on the right side of my face,i also used and extra lighting which my sibling was going to hold on the other side of my face.

    to take my shots, i used a remote control with a bluetooth connector to my phone, this allowed me to take the shots with every clicking motion,

    TAking the shots

    IMG_0883 (1).JPG


    This are some behind the scene shots while the shoot was in session, my sister had helped me a lot, which i am very grateful for.



    Final look!

    I had wanted to share a final look of 1 photo while still in the process od editing.

    Thank you so much for reading a documentationof my creativity, i am nemwly getting into pro-photography it exciting for me, i cant wait to begin shooting on a diggital camera soon, i just wanted to share this as a sort of motivation to worko with what to have at a gving time, all it takes is little steps, if you dont stat now you dont gurantee success when you are fully established. i hope this isnpires you and i would see you in my next post


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