Like in my previous post, I mentioned that my job is communication. So let's talk about it. There is a thing that we all do every day, and yet somehow, most of humanity still struggles to get it done right.
You see conversations go sideways, messages get misinterpreted, and before you know it, someone’s uncle is ranting in a group chat about : just stating their opinion, while everyone else is quietly muting notifications.
There is a harsh truth in this behaviour, most problems could be solved with better conversations. Really. Just think about it, how many times has a situation spiraled out of control because someone assumed, misunderstood, or simply didn’t listen? We like to believe we’re great communicators just because we can talk, but there’s a difference between making noise and actually being understood. And even beter, listening for listening and not for answering. This is a pure gem.
There is a big misconception about communication
Like this one for example/ Talking louder doesn’t mean you’re winning. It just means you’re being loud
Being right doesn’t mean you’ve communicated well. If the other person walks away confused, frustrated, or plotting your downfall, did you really win?
Assuming is faster, but it’s also how you start 90% of arguments. (I thought you meant. Nope. You didn’t ask.)
Good communication isn’t about talking at people, it’s about actually connecting with them. It’s about clarity, respect, and sometimes knowing when to just zip it and listen.
Why is it that people struggle to communicate well?
First, there’s emotion. If your brain is flooded with feelings,anger, frustration, stress, it’s basically impossible to be logical. Your words will either be too sharp, too passive-aggressive, or too much altogether. Ever sent a long, dramatic text only to regret it five minutes later? Exactly.
Then, there’s ego. If the goal is to win the conversation rather than understand the other person, you’ve already lost. Communication isn’t a competition (unless you’re a lawyer, and even then, I wouldn’t recommend this approach at home).
And finally, people just don’t listen. Instead of actually hearing the other person, we’re usually just waiting for our turn to talk. It’s like playing verbal ping-pong, but instead of focusing on the game, everyone’s just waiting to spike the ball.
So, how do we fix this?
Glad you asked. Here’s what actually helps:
Pause before responding. If you feel emotional, give yourself a second. Your brain needs time to switch from feelings mode to logic mode.
Ask questions instead of assuming. What do you mean by that?, is a life-saving sentence. Use it.
Check your tone. What sounds fine in your head might sound like a personal attack out loud.
Know when to disengage. Some conversations aren’t worth the energy. If someone is committed to misunderstanding you, let them. You’re not Google Translate.
At the end of the day, communication shapes everything. It determines whether we build relationships or break them. Whether we solve problems or create new ones. Whether we make someone’s day better or leave them wondering why humans are like this.
So, maybe we could all put in a little more effort. Listen more. Assume less. And for the love of good conversation, stop treating disagreements like a gladiator battle. Nobody wins when the goal is just to be the loudest in the room. Everyone wins if they're feeling heard. So let't win this one.