Trying to Get Back to Myself

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello friends and Hivers. A very different type of blog for me today. I'm just going to mention, well summarize what has been affecting me both physically and mentally for quite sometime. It's not all bad because I have had some events that have turned a useless day into a better one.


    As a man, I tend to hide and conceal my feelings, emotions, and physical health. Perhaps writing about it will help in a sense. Now I said summarize above and I won't go into great details about everything, only what I feel comfortable sharing. I was really at the brink a few days ago and thankfully my body overcame something physically which I'm hopeful will improve my better well being.

    I'm the type of person who likes to be active and keep myself busy. A big reason I do this because it keeps my mind from drifting on the things I'm not happy about. Some of those emotions include loneliness and sadness. To the most part getting out is good therapy for me. Nature is incredible and sometimes it just gives us balance. Sure I still have days where it just hits me hard but I always had the option to get away which would chip away at some by using it as a distraction.

    Ever since early February I have lost that getting out whenever I wanted. It has been tough this last 6 or 7 weeks. Some of you may have noticed I haven't been creating much content or engaging that much. Well physically and mentally I haven't had all that much energy.


    I discovered I have a medical condition
    after a visit to my doctor's office after submitting blood work. This was at the very beginning of February. I would rather not go into it but it it was surely like a punch to the stomach. I even wrote an article all about it but decided to delete and not publish.

    The medication I was prescribed really took it's toll on me. It made me nauseous and sucked energy right out of me. It took a good few weeks for my body to adjust to it. The medication has helped for what it's intended to do though. After the four week mark on it my doctor decided to increase the dose.

    After taking first dosage I had some bad diarrhea. I had this for two straight weeks. I really couldn't go to far away from the comfort of a toilet. I only went away when I absolutely had to be somewhere. With this horrible side affect I had to fight with dehydration. I just drank water bottle after water bottle. I tell you it was tough drinking water when you wake up in the middle of the night several times but I knew I had too.

    I called the doctor office and they were sure it was probably just stomach virus. To be on the safe side the doctor wanted me to go back to my previous dosage. This was very recent as I called on Tuesday. I was due to take my medication on Thursday. Low and behold the diarrhea went away like the phone call fixed it, haha. I can't tell you how releaved I am that is gone. I called the doctor back Thursday morning and it was decided to stay with my current dosage.

    So I have been really taking it easy for quite some time. I have only been working my full-time job and doing other tasks that need to be absolutely done. I have been getting plenty of sleep. As of yesterday, I have felt like I'm more like myself.





    Today I will be working 30-60 minutes of overtime right as my normal work day ends. I will be off loading baggage from Boeing 737. The pictures above was from Boeing 737 we uploaded on Tuesday. Once I get off I will go home and take it easy.

    Tomorrow I plan on doing some spring cleaning in the house and garage. Perhaps I will go fishing if time allows. Sunday I have to take my son out of town to a practice for yet another upcoming all star game. It's really crazy because the practice is over 3 hours away. I may go fishing whiles he's at practice, they have a good sized lake up there. I'll gab about that on another post though.

    Well a little bit about what's been going on with me. I will continue living and fighting to get back to myself. Hopefully in the coming days I can turn the corner from the funk I have been in. I really think I will find the better me again.

    That's all I have for you this time. Take care, stay safe and enjoy the upcoming weekend 😊 Until next time!

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