Sleeping Cat

in voilk •  last month

    Hi Cat lovers!

    Ever since Ive been wih this bundle of joy of a creature, I've never seen her sleep like this.

    She has been stationing herself on the old computer table recently for her afternoon siesta. In the evenings, she likes to sleep on the carpet in the living room.

    Did you notice her nice dress? She's a really hard cat to deal with but if you show her the dress first she won't complain putting it on. She has dresses she doesn't like so if I show her first and if she doesn't turn around then it's okay to put it on. She likes to look at my wife dolling up. She also stares at me intently when I'm brushing teeth.

    Despite her bossy demeanor most of the time but when she wants attention she eats her pride and would meow in her sweetest voice. In the house, she only approaches me, wifey and the maid. She doesn't cozy up to my teenager son and guests.

    Once you get her trust, she'll let you rub her belly. You'll know because she'll lie down belly up right beside you.

    One of the most fascinating thing about Lady Bella is I feel she can understand me. One time her bell was missing, so I asked her "where is your bell?"

    She then meowed and turned and then looked backed at me as if she wants me to follow her. So I followed her. She led me to where the collar bell was.

    If I say sit, go away, let's eat, she would obey me.

    Anyway, that's about it for my post. Just really was surprised at her sleeping position a while ago.

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