Let's chart it..

in voilk •  2 months ago

    categories | Ph |US

    shelter 100 20 (due entirely to expense of real estate here)
    water 100 100
    food 100 50

    security 80 100
    first aid 60 100
    entertainment 100 50

    structure (economy, govt., infra, etc) 50 100
    technology 90 80
    independence 100 70
    abilility to do things 100 40
    people (family and public) 100 50

    sanitation 50 100
    *luv of culture 90 50

    totals: 1120 to 910

    Looks like a clear winner to me. Of course, some things take immediate priority, such as a medical emergency type thing.. In that, US is the hands down winner so I will definitely remain here until I feel that is reset to its proper priority.

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