Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: Quora's Immunity is useful

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Splinterlands is a pretty complicated game and there are some interesting battles with all the options available. This is a part of the weekly social media challenge for Splinterlands. It's been rough after the changes to the ranked battles and I wanted to note a great card to use under certain situations.

    Featured card: Quora Towershead


    Quora Towershead is an earth gladiator splinter that costs 10 mana. It has the ability bloodlust and heal from the very first level. At level 3, it learns immunity and at level 5, it learns dispel. As a damage dealer, it's a good choice because it has magic and melee attack. At the same time, it can heal itself and get stronger as it kills more monsters. I am focusing on Quora because the immunity can help against poison and cripple in rulesets.

    Rule set, Battle and Plan

    rule set.png

    The ruleset this time is Manuevers and Noxious Fumes. This means that all monsters gain the reach ability and they also start off poisoned. There are 22 mana available and I am left with the choice of every splinter except for water.

    SplinterMana CostPositionReason
    Helios Matriarch6Summoner+1 speed and one gladiator can be used
    Fungus Fiend01st
    Vruz22ndSneak and Martyr
    Quora Towershead103rdBloodlust, Heal and Immunity
    Fungus Flinger34thMarytr and Blind
    Mycelic Morphoid15thThorns
    Total Mana:22

    I used Helios Matriarch as my summoner so my cards get an extra speed and I can use a gladiator. My lineup starts off with a filler monster. Then I have two martyr monsters in the 2nd and 4th spot to buff up Quora. My last monster is a monster with thorns to damage any sneak monsters. Quora also has immunity so it doesn't take any poison damage and it will survive longer.

    Round 1

    round 1.png
    Looking at the difference between the lineup, I think it's an even match. My opponent has cleanse to remove poison and that taunt monster looks quite dangerous. If I can land enough attacks, I will win otherwise I will lose. It's hard though because it can dodge magic and melee attacks using dodge and phase. It will be a battle between Quora and his taunt monster.

    Round 3

    round 3.png
    I skipped forward to round 3 because not much happened before it. I did take out half of that health and I got one of my Martyr to go off. Hopefully I land enough attacks.

    Round 4

    round 4.png
    I was lucky and I landed all my attacks. With this, it is my win because my opponent can't do enough damage to kill my Quora.

    I won the match later that round as I expected.


    The battle this time did go exactly as I expected. My martyr monsters buffed my Quora and I was able to land enough attacks. The immunity skill helped stop the poison from the ruleset and it let my Quora live long enough. My opponent had a decent lineup but I feel that it was relying on luck rather than just damage. It could work out and the extra speed from the summoner does increase his chances.

    You can see my entire match here.

    Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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