The screen can be so deceiving

in voilk •  3 months ago


    If there is one thing that is the most distracting elements for a human, well, let me just say for young adults and even growing up children that already knows their left from their right, it is the screen.

    With the day to day activities of the today's Nigeria and even all over the world, most of us use the screen so much, let's give different examples.
    Let's talk about the banks, when you enter any bank, what you see is that at the front of every banker, there is a computer screen, and they work for about 7 to 8 hours daily for 5 days in a week, and after then, most of them will still go home and go on their personal laptops, and even before they get home, on the road to their house, they resume with their phone till that get home.

    Let's talk about a designer, more like a professional graphic designer, Evey time, they are trying to bring up or create one new design or the other, and you realise that they have spent even more time than they have thought of on the system, because as a creative, the ideas rarely stops flowing, (as a creative, I'm sure you understand what I am talking about.) and so the more the ideas keeps coming, the more time you want to create and the more time you are spending on your screen.

    Myself as a creative, a visual artist, I start with the camera screen, and from there, because I want my work done on time, and so i go straight to my system to start the post production section of my projects, and so most times when I an trying to edit, I edit with the inspiration and not with a mood board.

    Now, the difference is that when I am working with a mood board, there already is a work flow that I can follow, which then will make my works easier and faster to conclude; but when I am working with my mind and with the flow of my inspiration, this will make me work maybe not so slow, but not as fast as if I was working with a mood board, and so it will make me have more time with the system.

    The major reason why this particular screen thing is not so good is because many of us get so distracted by our applications.
    It is a different case and even more understanding that you are working on your system, or your personal computer.

    On the other hand, you will see children that are just growing up always wanting to watch film on the television, or teenagers, always on their phone, always on WhatsApp is other social media Apps, not knowing that the screen subconsciously affects the eyes.

    Another set of people that use the screen the most are the tech bros, they are always working on their screen, but they have the anti blue light glasses, which helps to reduce the intensity of the effect of the screen light in our human eyes.

    So that brings me to a solution, if you know that you use the screen to much, get an anti blue light glasses to protect your eyes from the intense light from the screen.

    You can also time your apps, when you know that your applications are like a distraction to you, for example, you what to read or do some other things, you can just put a timer on the App, and so with that, your screen time can reduce.

    My screen time is quite high, but most times, I help myself with the anti blue light glasses and some other times, I just decide not to switch on my data unless I am forced to.

    I'd like to hear your own in the comment section.

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