in voilk •  11 days ago

    Hello Music lovers

    I almost didn't make it in submitting this blog post, but I'm glad to be back again to share this beautiful song with you in line with the theme of this week, Quarezma. At first, I didn't know what it meant and after a quick search, I found out it means "Lent".

    I've been absent from this community for a while since I joined and that's because of my activities and the time to learn a song for the week and share in the community but seeing the post of the theme on Saturday, I made up my mind to perform this song and enter. I apologise it is coming late and will do well to be early next time.

    We are in the Lenten season and the song I chose to perform is one of my favourite Lenten songs, "God Of Mercy And Compassion". I never knew of the person who wrote the song, I only knew about the song from the Catholic Hymn Book and learned it from there while I sang it in church.

    I found more about the song from this website. The song was written by English Roman Catholic (Redemptorist) priest Edmund Vaughan (1827-1908). There are several covers and versions of this song performed by artists and choirs.

    "God Of Mercy And Compassion" is a song with lyrics that expresses deep remorse for our sins and the willingness not to return to them but to follow the ways of Christ, reflecting on how our sins have nailed Him to the Cross of Calvary, the torture, mockery and pains he endured to save us.

    The Lenten season is a time of reflection on the "Passion Of Christ", a time of self-examination and reconciliation with God, a time to be conscious of how we treat those around us and to forgive those who have hurt us, not to bear grudges remembering that if God can forgive us of our worst sins, why can't we forgive our fellow man who has hurt us with their words or deeds.

    It's not easy to forgive but we can ask God for the grace and strength to do so and also to live a life that pleases Him. I hope this song and the message in my blog post will lead you to reflect and also touch your heart.

    I covered two verses of this song and expressed my emotions. Sometimes, whenever it is sung in church during the "Stations of the Cross" or Benediction or even during the Holy Mass, I am moved to tears and deep thoughts.

    I am glad once again to share the cover of this song and I hope you enjoy it, and feel the emotions and the message the song brings. God bless you

    3Speak had issues, it was taking hours to publish the video so I had to switch to YouTube. I hope 3Speak gets fixed soon. I'd still love to put the 3Speak video if it finally gets published.



    God of mercy and compassion,
    Look with pity upon me,
    Father, let me call Thee Father,
    'Tis Thy child returns to Thee.

    Jesus, Lord, I ask for mercy;
    Let me not implore in vain;
    All my sins, I now detest them,
    Never will I sin again.

    See our Saviour, bleeding, dying,
    On the cross of Calvary;
    To that cross my sins have nail'd Him,
    Yet He bleeds and dies for me.

    Here are the full lyrics.

    Instrumental used.

    Here is one of the versions of the song "God Of Mercy And Compassion". 👇

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for taking the time to watch my cover. I would love to hear your feedback on my performance. Kindly leave a comment.

    Love from @winanda. Stay connected. 🧡

    Thumbnail created by me on Canva.

    Images are mine.

    Video edited by me with PowerDirector.

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    About Winanda

    Founder, Winanda's WorldWinanda (Ikwuoma Winifred Diala) holds a Bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering. She embraced her passion and became a baker, recipe developer, creative writer, and food content creator. Composing songs, listening to music, and seeing movies, are a few of her hobbies.

    Posted Using INLEO

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