in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago



    πŸ“– TODAY'S TEXT: Colossians 3: 1-10

    πŸ”‘ KEY VERSE: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Mathew 22:37).



    Numerous scriptural teachings emphasize the advantages of cultivating a strong rapport with God.

    The story of Job illustrates how, despite losing his wealth, health and family, he remained steadfast in his faith. God rewarded him by restoring his fortune and blessing him, thus demonstrating that having an unshakeable relationship with God can lead to restoration and blessings even amidst suffering and adversity.

    Similarly, the Parable of the Prodigal Son emphasizes the compassion, grace, and restoration that come with having a good relationship with God - even after making mistakes or experiencing failures.

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught about living a righteous life centered around God's ways while emphasizing virtues such as humility, mercy, purity of heart, and peacemaking. He also promised that those who live according to these principles will be blessed by God.

    In addition to this teaching is Daniel’s story where he remained committed to worshiping God despite facing persecution and threats; in turn, God protected him from harm and elevated him to a position of great influence in a foreign land.

    The Story of Ruth highlights how choosing loyalty towards God can lead to unexpected blessings as she chose to follow her mother-in-law Naomi despite being from a different culture and religion. Ruth’s faithfulness led her to marry Boaz, a wealthy landowner who became her kinsman-redeemer.

    Psalm 23 describes Lord as our shepherd who provides for us, guides us, and protects us just like sheep. God cares for those who trust Him just like a shepherd cares for his flock.

    The Ten Commandments serve as guideposts for living righteously, Honoring God, respecting others, and maintaining integrity. Following these commandments leads one down the path of fulfilling life and a stronger relationship with God.

    The Great Commission instructs disciples to spread love throughout the world by sharing the message of salvation with others.

    The Parable of the Good Samaritan teaches us about loving our neighbors regardless of race or religion. It encourages showing compassion towards those I need which is akin to living out our love towards the Divine.

    In Galatians 5:22-23,The Fruit Of The Spirit are listed as evidence of twelve traits evident in believers’ lives. These fruits reflect Christ's Character While providing evidence His work within us.

    Esther risked her life to save her people from genocide. She fasted and prayed before approaching the King for their safety. This story Highlights How Having A Good Relationship With God During trying times can provide courage, wisdom, and favor. The Book Of Proverbs Contains Wise sayings about living godly lives, making wise choices, tending relationships, budgeting finances etc.. It emphasizes Seeking Wisdom From God Which helps in daily decision-making.

    In The Parable Of Talents, it's taught that we should Use Our Gifts Wisely For His kingdom rather than bury them out of fear.

    Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, yet remained faithful throughout his trials. He rose to prominence after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams which led to him being appointed second-in-command. This story highlights how obedience to Him can bring unexpected blessings.

    Ephesians 6:10-18 describe spiritual armor believers should wear daily -truth, righteousness, salvation, peace, faith hand word-of-God, to help them stand firm against spiritual attacks.

    Jesus' prayer teaches our dependence on Him forgiving ourselves, others, providing daily bread, protection against temptation.

    A strong relationship with God based on obedience, following divine instructions, persistence, trust in difficult times brings success.

    The Book Of Job Teaches Perseverance, endurance, humility, and patience through trials where at last restoration comes after praying forgiveness. Parables like Good Samaritan shows kindness to all without bias.

    Psalm 23 reminds us that having a good relationship rings comfort even during uncertainty. While Revelation shows the importance of observing everything according to his commandments to read yourselves towards Christ return and enjoy eternal life in his presence.

    πŸ“œ ONE YEAR BIBLE STUDY PLAN: 1 Samuel 4–8

    🎚 CONTROLLING THOUGHTS God is faithful to his words, challenges of life cannot thwart it.

    πŸ™πŸΏ PRAYER Oh God, give me the grace to remain resolute in my faith in the midst of pressing challenges knowing fully well that I will enjoy the benefits that will come with them


    An exclusive production of General Council Assemblies of God Nigeria.


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