A beautiful smile on their tired and aged faces 😁👥[SPA/ENG].

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Feliz viernes para todos, mi gente linda, mi deseo de hoy es que tengan un lindo día. Por acá seguimos compartiendo un poco de mis fotos de varias ocasiones.

    Happy Friday to everyone, my beautiful people, my wish for today is that you have a nice day. Here we continue to share some of my photos from various occasions.

    La intención de hoy es resaltar el valor que debemos darles a las personas de mayor edad, quienes merecen que los honremos con nuestro amor, respeto y consideración. Ellos se convierten en ejemplo de constancia, aguante y madurez para quienes recorremos el camino a su lado, viendo que sus discapacidades no los detienen, al contrario los ayudan a dar buen testimonio con su entusiasmo y valentía.

    Today's intention is to highlight the value we should give to the elderly, who deserve to be honored with our love, respect and consideration. They become an example of constancy, endurance and maturity for those of us who walk the road with them, seeing that their disabilities do not stop them, on the contrary, they help them to give good testimony with their enthusiasm and courage.

    Pienso que tratarlos con la debida dignidad es algo que debe llenar nuestro corazón de alegría. Ver en sus rostros cansados una sonrisa no tiene precio. Por eso no perdamos la oportunidad de mostrar el debido interés por ellos. Que ellos sientan que siguen siendo valiosos para quienes lo rodean.

    I think that treating them with due dignity is something that should fill our hearts with joy. To see a smile on their tired faces is priceless. So let us not miss the opportunity to show due concern for them. Let them feel that they are still valuable to those around them.

    Son tantas las cosas que podemos aprender de ellos a través de sus conversaciones y experiencias, que desperdiciar esos momentos para compartir con ellos, sería una verdadera lástima. Por eso hoy mis palabras son para honrar a nuestros mayores, mirarlos como si fueran nuestros abuelos nos permitirán darles el trato que ellos merecen.

    There are so many things we can learn from them through their conversations and experiences, that wasting those moments to share with them would be a real shame. That is why today my words are to honor our elders, looking at them as if they were our grandparents will allow us to give them the treatment they deserve.

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