Escaping Danger: A Thrilling Evening Encounter

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Yesterday evening, when I was returning from my office, everything was going on normally. I was going back home, frustrated with my daily office work. Nowadays, I go alone in the evening because of the people with whom I used to go earlier. They used to roam around a lot or cry while going home, but these days I prefer to go alone. And then I reach home on time, due to which I get a lot more time for things that I do after coming home. But yesterday something very different or you could say unexpected happened to me which I never expected. So what happened was that as I was on my way to go home, suddenly a car stopped and one of the men rolled down the window and started asking me for some address, then suddenly the back door opened and I was pulled inside. All this happened so quickly that I could not understand anything. By the time I could understand it, it was already too late and the car had moved ahead. I think perhaps no one else would have even noticed this. Perhaps if someone had noticed, someone would have definitely said or shouted something.


    As soon as I was pulled inside, someone covered my mouth with a cloth, perhaps there was some intoxicant in it, due to which my eyes started going dark and within a few moments I became unconscious. I didn't even remember anything, but then my eyes went straight into a room and opened up. I was kept in a corner and my hands and arms were tied. The good thing is that they did not keep anything in my mouth or in my eyes, so I could see everything easily. There were about three of them, probably one of them would be the driver and the one who was talking to me was the one who had covered my mouth with a cloth. I was trying to understand things but suddenly someone else entered the room and he started saying that perhaps we had caught the wrong person, it is not what we were thinking. Then all three started looking at each other's faces and then one of them took out his mobile phone and then to check, perhaps he was matching my photo and as soon as he saw the photo, it was clear from the expression on his face that They've picked the wrong guy.

    I was understanding the situation because I could hear and see everything but now what could I do because I had seen them all and now I knew a little about them. Now many questions were running through my mind, what would they do with me now, etc. and many more. The fourth man who had come into the room disappeared with the same speed with which he had come, so I couldn't see the shape of the fourth person, so maybe he would be their leader. I started thinking a lot in my mind and I was also listening to their conversations. The room was not very big, so I could easily hear their voices. They were asking what should do with this, otherwise, they have seen us and if he complains to the police, then perhaps we may get trapped and I don't know what other things they were doing.

    I started feeling scared after hearing these words of his, but now there was a situation of do and die for me, so I tried hard from my side, I did not know how successful it would be or not but we should try. If there is only one opportunity, you put your whole life into making it happen. All of them were not very old, they must have been around 25 to 30 years old. Whoever enters into all these businesses or should I say even into wrong activities, everyone has some compulsion and that is money. Money forces a person to do many things and often people decide to take the wrong steps instead of taking the right steps because they think that it is easy to earn money from here. Yes, it is easy but believe me, it also has side effects. This is how money earned through wrong deeds goes to the wrong place.

    I understood that they were doing all this because of money because if they had enough money or were well educated then perhaps they would not have needed to do all this. So I slowly started talking to them because I am also around 25 to 30 years old, so it did not take me much time to talk to them and slowly we started talking because perhaps he had not made any plan to leave me. But I slowly started talking to them and then I came to know that B they are doing this only because of money and they do not have any good education due to which they are not able to get a job. But I told them that it is not necessary to have an education for a job, there are many such tasks through which you can work even without education, you just need to have skills and nowadays only the skilled is earning money and it is also necessary. Is. I told him that nowadays if you have internet and a smartphone then you can do a lot, you have a lot of opportunities through which you can earn money. Gradually I saw that he started taking an interest in what I said and maybe they were interested in my words.

    I understood that everyone here was listening to my words and maybe there was a good chance that I could tell them something which would be beneficial for them and if it would be beneficial for them then maybe they would leave me or talk about some transaction with me. I told them a lot of ways to earn money online and he found some things right he was very happy that he got to know so many things. I also told them about Hive and I showed him a lot of things which made them very happy to see. They was surprised and he seemed very excited to me. I told them that if you spend the same amount of time here as you spend on other social media platforms, then perhaps you will get some earnings from here. Yes, the initial days may be a bit difficult but I will try my best to help you. And I will support you fully in the initial days. The rest is your hard work, whatever you do, you will get the results, apart from this I probably won't be able to help you.

    They shut the door and I was the only one on the room, while they were discussing things outside of the room. I was wondering how to talk to them and what to say to make them leave me. But after a few minutes, they opened the door and one of them opened my hands and then he said, we will let you go on the only condition that you will not complain to our police nor will you tell anyone about this incident. I asked, first through tears of joy because I was not sure that he would agree so easily and leave me. I asked him, what will you eat if your boss asks about me? He said, we will tell him that he ran away and we could not catch him, maybe this will satisfy the feeling, even if it doesn't happen, then don't worry about it. We will take care of the rest. Just remember what you have promised, if you go back on your word then you know what we can do. There was a slightly intimidating nature in his words.

    I consoled them that I would not do anything like that and then they decided to leave me after some time one of them signalled me to sit on the bike and he left me on a paved road at some distance which was very close to my house and I reached my house within a few minutes I was very happy and this experience was unique and new for me, I had probably come back from the jaws of death.

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    see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

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    Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

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    Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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